King's Cross Station

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Harry Potter and his family walked along the side of platform 9, the rattling of bird cages growing forever louder as James and Albus raced to the barrier.

"Boys , slow down before you crash into somebody!" Harry called to his sons. But it was no use, and he knew it. Often Harry thought that all of his children had selective hearing, and now was no exception.

Once the family had reached the barrier between platforms 9 and 10, the two boys once again sped off and straight through the platform wall, disappearing from sight.

"Okay Lily, are you ready?" Ginny asked her youngest.

"Yes mum, I'm ready." Lily replied.

"Now you know what to do. Just run straight at that wall and don't stop until you've reached the other side." Harry told her.

"Yes, yes, yes. I know. I think you're forgetting Father that this isn't my first time." Lily pointed out, trying, and failing, to hold back her grin.

Harry just looked at her and couldn't help but smile. She is so much like her mother.

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