Chapter 3

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Abigail P.O.V.

I wake up at 5:00 am, (they were never morning people, especially me). But today was special. I'll wake them up with a little bang.

I walk up to their mansion. I use my magic to put a sound bubble around me, so they can't hear me. I place 10 fireworks inside they're gigantic ballroom. I line them up and go outside.

BAM! BAM! BAM! I turn around and see... Kol.

"Hi" I say awkwardly. "I'm gonna go." I say slowly while walking away backwards stumbling over my own feet. "Not so fast, sweetheart." said Kol, while grabbing my arm. I get out of his grasp and use vampire speed to run back to my hotel.

'Please don't follow me! Please don't follow me!' I thought, with my hands against the door. After I wait for about 30 minutes I realize he isn't near and he didn't follow. I sighed from relief. I turn around and lay down on my bed, and set my alarm for 2 hours. I'll be awake by 8:30, so I could hang inside the Mystic Grill.

Mystic grill

Abigail P.O.V. (still)

I walk into the grill and wait for a waiter to come to my table. The guy named Matt comes to my table again. "Can I have a coffee?" I ask. "Coming right up." he says while walking away. He comes back.

"That'll be $2.50?" I pull out the money because I smell vervain. It's in the coffee. I take a sip because a little vervain won't do anything.

Then with my luck Kol walks in. He's a morning drinker, sometimes, (I''ve heard.) So he goes to the bar. I get up quickly trying not to get seen when a hand grabs my arm tightly when I get outside. It was Kol.

"Leaving so soon?" he asks with a sick smile. "Um..." "You look familiar." he said. He stared .ar me trying to figure out who I was when, I kick him where the sun don't shine. Then I ran. I was a little weak since I had drank some vervain coffee and had used my vamp-speed, with a little spell earlier. I didn't want to get too weak so I was running human speed.

Then an angry Kol sped in front of me and I heard a loud crack sound then I fell and darkness consumed me.

Kol P.O.V.

I walked into th Mystic Grill to have a drink since that little girl got away from me. Everyone was pissed and cranky at home.

I walked into the Mystic Grill when I spotted the girl. I made my way to the bar and waited for her to try to escape without being seen. She walked outside when I sped after her.

"Leaving so soon?" I ask. She had a scared look on her face. "Um..." she said. I stared at her face. I remember her from somewhere. I just could't place who she was. Then she kicked me in the nuts. I got really angry. She was weak, but I caught up to her in no time and snapped her neck.

Abigail P.O.V.

I woke up in a dark chamber, tied in vervain soaked ropes in a chair. The pain coursed through me body. "Hello, anybody there." I yell.

Then somebody walked in, a beam of light gets in my face, I turn my head away. When somebody grabs my face and turns it to look at him. "Now, why would a young thing like you be a vampire?" he asks. I recognized the voice it was Klaus's. " I died young, DUH!" I say in a bratty voice. "Do I know you? You look familiar?" he asks. " A lot of people say that." I say in a matter of factly voice.

"Who are you? That's all I want to know." he says kneeling down to my face. "Your daughter." I say while using my magic to make the room explode.

Klaus's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now