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The light from outside illuminated her room.
Slowly but surely she woke up, not opening her eyes at first, wondering if it's even worth standing up in the first place. She thought and thought, suddenly remembering that she had school today. Her eyes shot open in realisation but immediately closed them again due to the sunlight blinding her.
Groaning she stood up and went to the bathroom.
While walking to her dresser, she stubbed her toe on the table, wailing
"Shit!" In that moment she just really wanted to die. seriously. She wanted to jump out of her own window and break her neck.
When she eventually reached her dresser, she picked out an outfit with caution. Just because she isn't that nice as a person doesn't mean that she can't be stylish.

Deciding she looked kind of okay she went downstairs to grab some breakfast. By breakfast she meant an apple. She never really ate breakfast but her mother always nagged her about it, telling her that she should at least eat a bit. She never really understood why. 
The walk to school was quiet peaceful. The only things that one could hear where singing birds, passing cars and her own footsteps.
As she neared the her school it got louder. The once peaceful atmosphere was long gone and replaced with the sound of chatter and everyday life.

!@#$ arrived right when the bell rang, wich was good for her since she hated standing outside by herself. She didn't really have any friends, only sometimes talking to her classmates but she didn't mind nor think that anybody would wanna be friends with her. Who the hell would want to be friends with someone that would just end up fucking everything up?
"No one" she whispered to herself but someone heard her. It was the popular bitch. You know, the one that is in every single book or show that has ever existed.

"Eww I think you need to see a doctor. It'll help." The girl chorteld in her high pitched voice that !@#$ oh so hated. "And I think that you should mind your own fucking business. It'll help. You know what? Why don't you go look for yet another boy to fuck you to distract you from your shitty life instead of annoying me with your giant fucking neckline that you have to show off your non-existent tits!" She spat in an abrasive tone. The girl was caught off guard by her comment but didn't want to show it. "Hmpf whatever loner" she grumbled as she walked away.
!@#$ snickered while looking at her back but soon noticed that she had to get to her classes. "Shit shit shit" she chanted as she sprinted to her classroom.

In the moment she flung the door open, everybody's eyes where on her. Oh god how she hated it. "What the fuck are you mistakes looking at?" She scolded in a violent manner, making everyone turn their attention back to the things they were doing before this happened.
!@#$ walked over to her seat and sat down, waiting for the teacher to arrive and start class.
After what seemed like hours of waiting their teacher rushed through the door, messy hair, make up smudged and wrinkled clothes. Everybody knew what she had done before. It was way too obvious.
'Ugh seriousely? Again?' she thought to herself, probably sharing the same thought with some of her classmates.
This was gonna be a long day.

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