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Things were going fine until it was time for P.E.
Nobody from her class liked it to be honest, they would much rather have 2 hours of math than have to face their critical P.E. teacher.
It's not that he was mean as a person (that was a lie) but he was known for making every exercise about 64× harder.
When she was in the changing rooms, the only thing that could be heard was the endless gossiping.
What even where they gossiping about? Probably about a girl who wore lipstick and now they're accusing her of being a slut. They always did that. What else could it be? "I don't know.", !@#$ answered her mind.
The bitch from before heard her answer, but decided against speaking up, since she didn't really wanna have to deal with !@#$'s temper again.

As they all entered the gym, they immediately got face to face with their not so enthusiastic P.E. teacher.
Usually they would be very cheery and support their students in everything they did but that was not the case for !@#$'s class. There was another teacher that everybody liked.
He himself liked himself more than his students.
Even though !@#$ thought that he was pure shit for being such a narcissist, she didn't have any other choice than to long for him to be his teacher. Anything was better than  their current one. He was so bad to the point where she would even prefer their biology teacher over him. But aside from that, she didn't really care. She never did.
She was pulled out of her train of thoughts when the rough& grumpy voice of their teacher called out:"Alright you punks, today were gonna play some dodgeball!" That was also another one of those things that she disliked about him. Punks? Seriously?
"Hey little girl, get out of your dreamworld and get to your dann position!" The teacher yelled in an almost penetrating voice that the class was all too familiar with.
"Yeah Yeah shut it grandpa. I don't want you to already use up the only words that you can memorize."
The class was in shock. Everyone's mouths were left agape. There even were some gasps. !@#$ really didn't care about manners. She never did.
The teacher stood there frozen in time but soon collected himself again, slowly walking closer to !@#$ with a petriffing look in his eyes, who was surprised herself that he would have this type of response. Usually he would just yell at the person again, telling them how they are just a student, that the person should be ashamed of themselves and to do 30 push-ups. That would be it but right now was a totally different situation...


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