Chapter 10: Good and Bad

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*Taehyung's POV*

"Why the hell are you following me? Why are you here?" I turn around and see him stop in his tracks.

"And why did you lie about your name Suga?"

"Oh you know that's my stripper name." He winks, but I almost never it knowing him. "Wh-"
"Shutup and let me speak, Taehyung before I shove this cappuccino down you damn throat." He warns.

I put my hands up in surrender and walk up to him. He gives me hug. "I've fuckimg missed you -you dipshit. " He fake cries but I can tell he meant it.

"But seriously though wh-" I let go of him to ask why he's here but I stop as soon as he shoots me a glare. "All right shutting up now, please continue."

He sighs and continues to walk. "Your father asked me to come here."

"Why? "

"He wants me to watch over you, I can't tell you as to why yet though just watch who you hang around from now on. "

"Is that it? " I questioned.

"No, I also came to help you do your job. "

"Wha-but I can handle them myself."

"Apparently you can't you've been letting people who owe your father money off the hook way to easily."

"But they're good people with fami-"

"Did they tell you that or do you know that for yourself." I look down.

The older sighs at the naïve state of the younger. "Look not everyone is as innocent as they look, there is bad and there's good. It is what it is." Suga says looking off into the distance as he continues to walk.

"I hope you'll figure that out one day,  and when you do, I hope it isn't because of something dear to you that you've lost."

I just nod in response not sure what else to say. I know he's right but at the same time he's wrong.  I'm in college now I know the difference between a good and bad. "I'm not that stupid naive boy that people could pick on anymore." I look down,  but then instantly looks up withvand say in a confident tone, "Plus I have tons of women and men lining up just to b me with me for a night. "

"Yeah, your  right your not the naïve boy from before."

"Why,  thankyo-"

"Now you're the naive college student who people can ride on. " He says looking at me then he smirks. "Oh and  who can't do his job properly. "

"Suck my ass!" I yell out in irritation. Suga just laughs as we continue to walk. I huff off in anger at him. I then hear him yell out to me.  "Taehyung! Come with me." He says stopping at a familiar back car. It was one of dad's.  I walk back to Suga and got inside the car.

"Hey dad."

A/N: OOF lol 😂

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