Chapter 3

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So I would first like to apologize for my absence these past three months. I AM ALIVE. I will explain why I've been gone and updateless at the end of this chapter. Love you all!


I got up early the next morning to go for a run. I did my normal routine of getting ready. Slip into my running shorts, sports bra, tee shirt, laced up my shoes, then put my hair up in a pony tail. I grabbed my phone and headphones and I was on my way out.

I went down my usual route, which was about ten miles. It was from my house, down some back roads and back. As I was running, I tried my best not to think about last night, in the bathroom. I didn't want to. It was freaking embarrassing. For the past year, I had kept all my attacks to myself and now that Cade had seen, or rather, heard one, he wouldn't let it go. I knew he wasn't joking when he said that he would raid my music, recorded or not. He's so protective of me, he wouldn't let anything happen to me. I love that about my twin brother, but sometimes it's a little much. To be honest though, I would do the same for him. I do do the same for him.

I kept running, focusing on the lyrics to the music that was playing. It was my angry music, all the alternative and rock bands I love. Some classics, some not classic. It didn't matter what it was, though. It had a good beat and kept me running.

Before I knew it, I was back at home, hopping in the shower to get rid of my sweat and stink. This time the hsower was normal. No tears or annoying lovable brothers banging on my door. Then again, it is only seven in the morning and he doesn't get up until ten at the earliest. I spent about fifteen minutes drying my hair and doing make up. I slipped on sweat pants and a tank top and went to go make myself some breakfast. After I ate in silence at the kitchen table, I went back up to my room to start on my history homework. As much as I complain about history being boring as hell, I really do enjoy it, if it's the right kind of history. This was ancience history though, like Greece and Rome so it was the fun stuff.

I worked on homeowork until eleven-thirty, so about four hours. I decided to give up on my calculus becuase I just could not math for the life of me at this point. I also just didn't want to stare at textbooks any longer, so I went downstairs and grabbed an apple. Now, if I were brother, I would habe grabbed a giant bag of chips and salsa, like he was eating right now.

He was sitting at the kitchen table on his phone as he ate his chips. How much you wanna bet they were his breakfast? Nasty.

"You're going to get fat" I told him as I took a bite our of my Pink Lady apple. I sat down at the table across from him. He was in his pajama pants and muscle shirt. Besides the fact that he was shoving chips and dip into his mouth like a madman, I never understood why girls aren't all over my brother. I mean, I see him talk to girls at school, but they don't really flirt with him. Plus, no girls ask me for his number or anything and I came into high school thinking that would happen. Okay, that's a lie. It did happen our freshman year, but then it settled down last year and now it just doesn't happen. I don't know why. I mean, he's funny, weird, honest, nice (most of the time), protective, and attractive is it okay for me to say that as his sister? I mean, I know he's told his friends that just because I'm pretty they can't touch me. Eh, whatever. He's attractive. Girls should be after him.

"I don't care if I get fat" He told me with a full mouth. I made a face to tell him that was gross.

"If you get fat, you'll never get laid." I told him, taking a bite of my apple.

"Good point, maybe I should eat like you," he joked. Cade always said that my diet was that of an olympic runner in training. I told him his eating habits was that of a 400 pound forty year old man.

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