Chapter 1

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The sound of my feet pounding against the track was like the beat of a song. It was music. And it kept me going. The burning my side kept me going. Don't stop when it hurts. Stop when you're done. Coach Darek told me that every day. He told all of us that every day. It was engraved in my brain. I applied it to everything.

I could see the finish line. 400 meters. Sprinting. Long distance. Yeah, I sprint long distances. It kills, but it's worth it. My times were great, I guess. I mean, everyone told me I was the best female runner Wheaton High had ever seen, but that wasn't good enough. Not for me anyway. My standards are so high, most people would give up when I'm halfway to where I want to be.

I have five yards left. Only five. I pass the line and wait to hear my time from coach. I put my hands on my head and walk, cooling down, sprinting I ain't easy, let me tell you. It's horrible and painful and most people hate it, but I don't. I love it. It's one of the many things I live for.

"Alison!" I hear coach call. I walk over to him. His hair was getting a little long, I noticed as I walked over to him. I wonder when he'll get it cut. Probably within the next week or so. He really doesn't like it when his hair gets long,so he always keeps it short. He claims it's cause it affects his running, but in reality, we all know it makes him feel gay.

"Yeah coach?" I asked as soon as I got to him.


"Okay...." I trailed off. I waited a moment. He didn't say anything. "What was it?"

I was me telling crossing my fingers. I was hoping so much that it would be better than my pervious time, last week. We track my times by week instead of days. Coach Darek says it shows my progress more than anything, but sometimes I'm not so sure. Most runners track their time by day instead of week and it makes me feel weird. Different. But I've always been different so I guess I'm used to it by now.

"46......." He paused for suspense and at that moment, I wanted to strangle him.

"46 point what, Darek?" I pressed. I didn't have time for this! I needed to know my time so I can go shower and get ready for tonight!

He sighed. "You're no fun."

"Nope. I'm just a bundle of boring, and no fun. Now tell me my time damn it!" I told him. I was bouncing on my feet now, and I was losing patience. Okay, I lost patience the moment he decided to okay games with me, but that's beside the point.

"Your time was 46.32" he said casually. But there was nothing to be casual about with that time. That time was my best ever. It was 0.6 seconds faster than last week.

I jumped up started hooping and hollering. I got strange looks from my team mates who were practicing their specials, but I didn't care. They all knew that I was working toward scholarships and and my times are showing that I deserve the scholarship. I have every right to be happy!

I was still jumping up and down and being all giddy happy when coach said to me, "now don't you have somewhere to be? Like some girls sweet sixteen, perhaps?"

Oh yeah! "Yeah! I do! See you Monday coach!" I ran off to grab my rack bag and water bottle and hollered goodbyes to the girls as I ran inside to the girls locker room to rinse off. I wasn't going to totally shower because I can do that at home before I start to get ready.

Days like today happen a lot. Usually on Fridays, because those were the days that I had gigs on. Sometimes during the week I'd have a gig or two a cafe that I play at. Coach Darek is super supportive of me and music, almost as much as my running, so he lets me leave early for my gigs. As long as I pull through the whole week, and I always make sure I do.

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