Sister or not

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Kara/Supergirls POV

As soon as the woman or Project-s as she calls herself, left reporters swarmed around me and asked questions like:

who is this new hero?

Will she come back?

What is her name?

To witch i had little to reply with. Only her name is what I knew. I fly back to the DEO, questions rambling in my mind. I land in the DEO building ready for as many questions as ALex has for me. Little did I know that the very woman who beat me to the site beat me to my home base, talking to my sister and my J'onn. I stomp my way toward them. The woman still wears her mask as she turns tou me.

"Who are you and how do you know her Alex and you too J'onn and why do i not know of her at all?" I ask sternly.

    "Whoah please calm down, Kara you already met me today." The woman presses a spot on her neck and it retracts her helmet, to reveal that is indeed the woman I met today.

    "Karm?"I ask. "Does Lena know? And how are you allowed to be here and not in cuffs?" I continue.

    "Okay let me really introduce myself." She takes a breath in. "My real name is Karm Zorel, I'm from Krypton just like you. I crash landed on earth around two years ago and met Lena. I later joined the military under the allis Project-S." She finishes.

    "Z-Zorel?" I stutter out.

    "Officially, no. Unofficially yes. Kara I am your older sister." She states.

    I leave the room leaving them in the silence of her confession, not wanting to believe what she just told me. If she is my sister why don't I remember and if she's not then she's an a imposter. I guess the bigger question is if she is on my side or the bad side.

Karm's POV

    Well that could have gone worse I think to myself. She just left us there in silence, I mean she could have thrown something and someone could have gotten hurt. "I should go talk to her." I finally say aloud.

    "No I think you've said enough." Alex states as she follows to where she went.

    "J'onn I know this may be hard for her but I just want to talk to my sister." I state

    "Alex has been her sister longer than you have. She doesn't even remember you." He shoots back.

    I walk to where Alex and Kara have gone to see that Kara is crying into Alex. I knock softly on the glass door and walk toward them both. "Kara I-"

    "Will you just come over here and hug me and then explain everything?" She interrupts me.

    I nod and pull Kara into a hug as Alex leaves. She grips on to me tightly and cries into my shoulder. "Kara are you alright?"

    She shakes her head no against my shoulder. "I don't remember you but I feel happy around you. I feel safe and I don't know why." She confesses.

    "That's why I had Alex work on something for you. Our mother locked your memories of me away and Alex created a pill that will unlock them. That is if you want to take it." I pull away from her and look in her eyes.

    "First why did our mom get rid of my memories of you?" She asks.

    "Because I was a disgrace to science and all of Krypton. You know we are all made to go into certain fields right?" I ask.

    "Yeah but they are never wrong." She states.

    "But they were. Kara I was made to be a soldier and I was a good soldier but I wasn't like everyone on Kyrpton. I'm gay. I like women." I confessed.

    "That was against the law on Krypton..." She says in a soft tone.

    "I was arrested when mom found out. She sent me away to Fort Rozz. I escaped it and tried to go back to get you off of Krypton and by that time you where thirteen and had your memories wiped of me. I surrendered to her and then they did the ultimate sentence. They sent me away to the slave planet called The Daunting and like Fort Rozz you don't age there. I am twenty seven as of right now. I was twenty five when I was arrested." I confess.

    "Tell Alex to give me the pill." She states.

    I take the capsule out of my pocket and I hand it to her. Kara pops it out of its encasing and swallows it.

    I pick her up, carrying her toward the med bay and laying her down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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