Part One: Chapter Two

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The table was quiet in an awkward way, and Jughead found his eyes flicking over to stare at Fred more times than he would've liked.

"So Jughead? How's school going?" Rose asked with a sudden interest.

"Uh..." Jughead's eyes flickered away from Fred to settle on his Aunt Rose. "I guess it's fine." He answered, taking a sudden interest in his menudo sitting before him.

"Egar Edgar over here, huh Rose?" Liam laughed, lightly punching his nephew's shoulder.

"Yea, sure." Jughead replied, weakly, forcing a little smile.

"So, any after school activities going on?" Rose smiled across at her nephew, who had a keen interest in his spoon, anything to avoid her eyes.

He shrugged. "I run the newspaper with my friend Betty Cooper." He mumbled.

"That's nice!" She exclaimed nervously. Her nephew didn't used to be this... what was the word...? Sad?

"Yea, I guess." He pushed the hominy back and forth in the bowl.

"So, Jughead, the boys and I are thinking that we might go to the movies or something while you're here, what do you think?" Liam asked, a smile resting naturally on his face.

Jughead shrugged. "I dunno, I guess." He replied, his voice was a little whisper.

The table went silent.

"I have to go to the grocery store later, would you like to come, boys?" Rose asked, fiddling with the tip of her spoon, which was hot, and burned her fingers.

Connor shook his head. "Heck no, I'm not spending my night finding the difference between low fat and non fat fig newtons, sorry, I'm not up for that."

"Yea, me neither." Travis agreed, mouth full. "I actually have homework."

"What class?" Rose wondered, a black eyebrow raised in suspicion.

"Art." Travis replied.

Rose nodded. Jughead could tell Travis was the more academically rigorous of the two,  and Connor, not so much.

"It's this huge project we have to get done before the 1st."

"Hey my birthday is on the 1st." Fred smiled and Jughead noticed he didn't have a bowl in front of him, unless he had gotten up to put it in the sink, but no... he was at the table the whole time.

"That's nice, Fred, are you having a party?" Rose turned her attention away from Jughead, and he flashed Fred a greatful look.

"Well, it's George and I's, so no." He half smiled, giving Jughead a silent you're welcome.

"Oh, a little gathering?"

"Maybe, but we don't really know very many people so...probably not."

"So, Fred, do you have a girlfriend?" Rose flashed a toothy grin.

"Mom! Really!? You had to ask?!" Travis exclaimed, his face turning a bright shade of pink.

Fred chuckled, "It's ok, I get that a lot, and the answer is no."

Jughead perked up.

"Jughead, do you have a girlfriend?" George asked playfully.

Jughead shook his head. "Never had one." He answered.


"Never ever."


"Yea, pretty pathetic, huh?" He asked truthfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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