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Thanks for wanting to support this fanfiction, I told you that it would be good, because if it wasnt, you wouldnt be on this page right now, and dont worry this story is not even close to being over. Remember, there was almost 50 parts and sections, but this is just, shortened, right now if this fanfition was devided into parts, and not chapters, this would probably be the 30th part. Well thankyou for reading along with me.


Sandy was standing behind the door listening to Spongebob and her mother talking about what her boyfriend, Spongebob had said, and what he was planning on doing. Spongebob asked Mable to take him to the hospital, so he could sign a few papers. Spongebob stood up, and started to walk towards the door. Sandy ran out of sight, she didnt want him to know that she had been listening. She hid in the next room, and waited for them to leave, she knew that he'd be back tonight, because he had promised, or was it just a promise that he'd have to break? She waited for him to come home, she waited for him to actually say it to her face, and ask her if she thought it were ok to do it without him even asking her, she waited.

Spongebob and Mable arrived at the hospital, Spongebob had called tell him to get the papers ready, that he wanted to get this over with. Spongebob waited in Win's office, he was nervous, and he was still having doubts, 'Is this the right thing to do? To give up your life, for someone older than you, and to possibly break Sandy's heart?' Spongebob pondered in his thoughts, ' Yes, it is, how could I just sit back, and watch her suffer the way I am, when I could have done something about it, I have to, for her,' Spongebob thought to himself. Win was digging though his file cabinet, searching for the papers. Mable sat next to Spongebob, trying to convince him not to give his heart up, for her husband, " Spongebob, please dont do this, please you dont have to do this," Mable said, trying to knock some since into him, " Think of all the people back home, and how they'd miss you, your mother, your father, your friends, Sandy, Spongebob you really dont need to," Spongebob interrupted her, " I do, and even if the people at home, that I love are sad, they'd understand, they know who I am and what I would have done, and besides its not like other people would care," Spongebob said, getting up from his seat, and walking up to Win's desk, he had gotten out the papers, for Spongebob to sign, " Think, again what would Sandy think, how do you think she would feel," she said practically begging him, " I've thought of that, thats why I didnt want to tell her, not until we got back," Spongebob said looking at the floor, " Why do you want to do this, other than for Sandy?" she asked, Spongebob sighed, " I just dont want to witness another family, ripped apart from their loved one, exspecially this one, I know how much you guys need him, and so I'd rather choose someone that is important, than me, someone who is not important," " Spongebob, you are important, to Sandy, she needs you, and you need her," " She dosnt need, me, she needs a father," Spongebob said, before finally signing the papers. By signing the papers, you are signing away your life, and there is no going back on it, much like a contract. Spongebob turned around to face Mable, " Its done, " was all he said, " Spongebob, I didnt want you to do that, why did you have to do that, she'll never forgive you, I know you've already answered my questions, but do you really care about Sandy's happiness?" she asked, she wasnt happy, she wasnt mad either, Spongebob looked in the other direction," I do, thats why, I did it, or I wouldnt have done it," Spongebob said looking back at Mable, " We can, go home now," Spongebob said, walking past her, now all he had to do is find out how, to tell Sandy.




Spongebob lied down next to Sandy, just looking up at the ceiling, thinking, he had to tell her, even though she already knew. Spongebob closed his eyes, and turned his attention to Sandy, " Sandy," Spongebob started, but Sandy interrupted him, " Why did you do it?" she said looking at him, a tear rolled down her cheek, she was laying on her side, looking into his eyes. Spongebob was confused as to what she was talking about, he wasn't thinking that, she already knew, "What are you talking about?" Spongebob asked, " You know what Im talking about, I heard you, and ma talking earlier," Sandy said, Spongebob looked into her eyes, they looked almost like glass, as if she was about to cry, " I, you heard? what did you, hear?" "oh, everything, why didnt you tell me, about your uncle?" Sandy asked, feeling a little guilty, " I just, didnt want to," " you didnt want to what?" she asked, she was already starting to raise her voice, " I didnt want to, make you feel bad, I wanted you to see your father, but you wouldnt go with out me, so, I went with you," Spongebob said looking away from her, tears were building up in his eyes, " Did you sign those, papers?" she asked, Spongebob nodded his head yes, " I didnt hear you," "yes," he said quitely, " I still didnt hear you," Spongebob looked at Sandy, " I'm sleeping on the couch," Spongebob said getting up from the bed, and walking towards the door, " So thats how you solve things, by running away" Sandy remarked, " I love you too," was all Spongebob said, before leaving the room, and going down stairs to the living room.

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