A Bitter Rhapsody - #MadMarch

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Oh how sweet can thee be
to traipse on a Red Queen's army?
And might it be all for me?
My dear, your insanity is truly thorny.

For the Chesire Cat's smile
can tread on your day.
Yet you heed my warnings
and give it a heave anyway. 

But despite your blatant personality,
the love we share is simply a toxicity.
Or perhaps it be nothing but a malice
that we meet through your dear sister, Alice?

No, for none of this is real,
can't you see?
This imagination's certainly a squeal.
One for the books, don't you agree?

Our deal is now invalid
since Father Time has torn;
Torn through our sweet ballade
with his parting horn.

Now you wake,
with my sweet nothings still forlorn.
But who knows?
Might our dear little Rabbit have something else in store?

Now please intake
the potion one more time,
So our love will be remade
into this intoxicating rhyme.

Your home is with me,
my adoring princess.
For you see... I am the Mad Hatter,
here to sway your troubles away.

I love you
and I know you love me too.
It's time you admit it
since it is now long due.

Sweetie, please enjoy some tea now as we bask in glee.
We are forever one, yet we are done.
Your neck was rather sour, just like the freshly blooming flower now dancing by the sea.

My dear, I told you: "No one is as Mad as Me".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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