Chapter Thirteen

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 I did not manage to get much sleep during the night. My mind raced with the thoughts of this Dr. Alexander, being sold, and being stuck on an island for the rest of my life.

I was awake when there was a knock on the door. The person didn't wait for a response before walking in. I rolled over to see Ben. He was changed out of his pajamas and into jeans and a T-shirt. He had the scarf loose around his neck, but not tied.

"I wasn't expecting you to be awake," he said. "We're leaving in an hour."

I yawned and stretched my arms up over my head. Ben opened up the closet and pulled out a duffel bag. He set the bag down on the dresser and filled it with my clothes. My heart sank as he packed every dress in the closet. I may never be coming back.

Ben grabbed the remaining clothes and tossed them on the end of the bed.

"Go shower," he said. "Oliver will be down here soon."

I grabbed the clothes and hurried down the hallway. I took a quick shower before putting on the dress Ben gave me. I dried my hair before tying it back into a ponytail.

When I got back to the room, Ben was zipping up the bag and placed it on the bed. I sat down next to the bag. I looked up at Ben, but he turned around to look at the empty closet. He pulled out the empty drawers and looked like he was double-checking that he packed everything. He was trying to avoid having to talk to me.

I was about to ask him a question, but the door on top of the stairs opened. I listened as the footsteps echoed as the person walked down the hallway. Oliver came into the room. For once, he did not have his lab coat on and instead was wearing a suit. Ben turned when he heard Oliver enter.

"You kids ready?" Oliver asked.

"Yes, sir," Ben said. "Both of our bags are packed."

"Good. Put them in the car. I need to talk to Diana."

Ben nodded, grabbed my bag, and left. Oliver took a few steps forward and held up his hand showing a pair of shoes.

"I think you'll be needing these," he said.

I took the shoes out of his hand. I gasped when I saw the mismatched laces. These were my shoes. These were the shoes that I was wearing when I was walking home from practice. He kept the shoes I was wearing when I was kidnapped.

Oliver chuckled when I looked at him with my jaw hanging open. I slipped the shoes onto my feet. I did not need to undo the laces. The soles were worn down to mold the bottom of my feet. It was a piece of my life that I would be able to hold onto.

"Diana, I need you to be on your best behaviour," he said. "As soon as you step out of this door I don't want to hear a peep out of you."

"What if someone asks me a question?" I asked.

"No one will ask you anything. I want you to stay next to Ben and be quiet."

"What about at the airport? They always ask you questions at customs."

"We're not going to the airport."

I tried my best not to show the disappointment on my face. Oliver's smirk grew wider, and I knew that I was not doing a good job. All night I was holding onto a piece of hope that I would be able to cause a scene and get help in a busy airport.

Oliver reached into his pocket and pulled out a large pair of sunglasses. The lenses were darker than any pair I have ever owned.

"Keep these on," Oliver said as he slid them onto my face. "Do not take them off until I tell you to. I want you to be looking down the whole time we're outside too. I don't know yet how your eyes will handle the sunlight."

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