The Moment of Truth

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                                             Chapter Two

  I pushed open the door with a slight creek, and froze. My mom was standing in the doorway with a large, sappy smile stretched across her face, just like always. But something was diffrent.

  My mom was holding the last thing I would ever want her to hold. Yet, it wasn't my menace of a dog's disgusting waste. It was the exact same, no-I-am-not-kidding same phamplet Mrs. Hazelberry had made me sulk home with earlier! I wanted to curl up under the table like terrified little puppy, in the middle of a hurricane, and never come out!

  Not only had Mrs. Hazelberry had given me the phamplet, but she gave my mom one too! It was if she didn't trust me to just walk home, clutch the dang thing my hand, and push open my door with it still balled up in my fist.

  People! I had a learning disorder! Not a mental disorder! Not a clumminess disorder! A learning disorder! All you had to do was open your eyes to see what was in me.

  The very thought of that made tears want to run down my face, and pour across my cheeks until I could cry no more.

"Mom?" I finally choked out, blurting the first thing the was on my mind, "What's for dinner?"

  My mom shot me a strange look, and cocked her head like a confused dog. She didn't get my burst of randomness. Of course, It seeming like no one except for my awesome BFF Tissy got what I thought anymore.

  "Are you okay honey?"

  Yep. No one but Tissy understands me. Everyone else, including my parents, just questioned me. Perfect.

  As you can see, my medical dreams will be crushed all too easy.

  "Yesss, mom. No need to worry about my precious, disordered butt. I am perfectly fine."

  Well... I skipped the butt part.

  "That's much better." my mother chirped. "I'm sure Mrs. Hazelberry showed you the wonderful opportunity!"


  Wonderful opportunity. Yeah right.


  "Mom..." I say, gaining confidence to my voice. "Before we get all excited, I want to know, will it be required for me to go that..." I spit the words out as if they were vile, "... special needs school... will I?

   "I thought you would be more excited, dear. After all, you are failing. You mostly likely won't get to pass to seventh grade."

  "Whoa..." I say my voice trembling once again,"Let's not go there, shall we?"

  "I know what you'll say Elena. I will think about not letting you go."

  On the outside, I nod slowly, as to express I understand. But inside my head, I breath a sigh of relief.

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