The sorting

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HELLO BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!! This is my first chapter so if might be a little sucky.. oh well if you don't like it don't read it.

Autumn Rivers
Hello my name is Autumn Rivers and guess what? IM A WITCH!! I also recently got accepted into one of the best schools for witchcraft in Europe... you guessed it, HOGWARTS!! I am beyond excited to meet new friends, find new experiences and I'm super exited to learn magic!!

What if, what I just told you was all a lie. Well, I didn't lie about the Hogwarts and me being a witch and stuff but.. I did lie about being exited about new experiences and blah blah blah words and stuff. Let me slap you with reality, I'm not the preppiest person, or the most friendly person, I was actually diagnosed with anxiety and a very young age and it's extremely hard for me to deal with new things. Anxiety has made me I guess... a little crazy, depressed, and I don't tell people what's on my mind. EVER

I know I know... your probably thinking, your 11 and you have depression and anxiety, SHOULDN'T YOU BE IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL LIKE ST MUNGOS OR SOMETHING??!! You probably right, but you see, I'm very good at hiding my feelings, so people just think I'm happy old Autumn just being a good girl! Well you thought wrong.


Anyways.. I'm actually trying to find a spot to sit on Hogwarts express right now.. ahh I found an empty carriage!! Now I can be alone and.. oh great there's someone at the door.

"Hello, can I help you?" I say trying to act sassy but failing miserably. "Oh uh.. sorry can I sit here?" He says looking around like he's hiding from someone. "Sure I guess". Once he sits down he looks out the window, which gives me a moment to study his features. He has slicked back platinum blond hair, piercing grey eyes and milky skin.

"Take a picture it will last longer" he says, making me realize I was staring. "Oh great, your a prick." I quickly say back.. o did I mention I'm good at comebacks?

He doesn't say anything for a while, the he FINALLY breaks the silence. "I like you, you seem... unique. My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He says with a smirk. "Rivers, Autumn Rivers.. how many times did you practice that line?" I say smirking back. "OH MY GOD SO MANY TIMES ITS SUNK INTO MY BRAIN!" He says back, and we both bust out laughing. I can tell we are going to make great friends.


Ok let's get past the long part. Blah blah blah me and Draco become BFFS on the train, blah blah blah some kid loses his frog blah blah blah I find out Draco's a purist but I don't care because that's his choice not mine, blah blah blah we meet Harry Potter and Draco makes fun of this Weasley kid, blah blah blah.. OKI DOKIE TIME FOR SORTING. Oh cool that kinda rhymed.

This Mcgonall lady idk her name, leads us into the Great hall so we can be sorted. Yay.

As we walk in, all eyes are on us. I start to breath heavily, and feel dizzy, NO THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR AN ANXIETY ATTACK!! But I couldn't help it, all these thought appeared in my head, what if I get sorted into an awful house? What if people make fun of me? What if my teachers don't like me?!

"Hey, you'll be alright" I turn to see Draco put his hand on my shoulder, calming me down. "Ok, thanks." I say with a weak smile.

Once we get up there the sorting hat does his usual talk and a few people get sorted including Draco who was put into Slytherin, unsurprisingly...

"Autumn Rivers!"

My heart feels like it's beating out of my chest as well walk up the steps and sit on the stool. The lady puts the hat on me.

"Hmmm... very interesting..ah a descent of the Great Merlin ay?" Oh yeah I forgot to mention I'm kinda related to the Great Merlin, so yeah.
"Oh very smart like a Ravenclaw" ooo that's a good one "so you like that house ay?" The Ravenclaws start to get excited. "BUT" the Ravenclaws stop "you are kind like a Hufflepuff" the Hufflepuffs start chanting "RIVERS, RIVERS, RIVERS" but once again the hat says otherwise "you are also very brave like a Gryffindor, and cunning like a Slytherin.." omg just pick one you crazy hat!!
"We'll have to go with..."

All the other houses boo while the Slytherins jump up and start yelling "WE GOT RIVERS! WE GOT RIVERS!" I go and take a seat near Draco.

Finally the sorting is almost over, accept for Harry Potter. He still has to be sorted.

The Gryffindors jump up and start cheering!
Shame, he would have made a great Slytherin.

I guess we have 2 celebrities in year 1, huh?

OK YAY CHAPTER 1 DOWN, AND MANY OTHERS SO GO!! Goodbye my wonderful people! Comment what I should call you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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