he's a gentleman

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We started going out when we keept seeing each other without any reason. He made the first move to talk to me.

"Um- hi-" He seem pretty nervous. He cleared his throat and continued. "Hi, there." The tall musculine man said with a cute bunny smile.

I was startled from his voice. I turned around to face him.

"I remember him." I squint my eyes a little to adjust my vision and carefully checked the man.

When I realized it was him I covered my mouth from disbelief.

"This guy saved me before. Why is he talking to me?"

I also cleared my throat.

"Hi~," I responded. "What was that y/n? You're so freaking blunt!"

The man lowered his head smiling not knowing what to say.

"I remember you before!" I throwed it off. "You saved me from those kidnappers. I really appreciated your brave actions." I grin.

"Oh, um yeah! Yes, no problem. I am glad to use some help." He said scratching his head and at the same time his bunny teeth shows off.

Honestly, I have no idea how to talk with guys. But I'm really glad I could pull this one off without any techniques or tips from internet.

I then remembered that since we're in the convenience store I could treat him something from what he had done to me.

"Hey! Let's go sit down!" I asked him as if I had all that confidence to do it.


"Wait here for a second, okay?"

He bowed his head as his response.

I quickly picked up food that are my favourite hoping he will like it too. I took two cinnamon rolls and went to the little bubble tea station at the corner of the store.

"Hey um, what do guys mostly order here for bubble tea?" I asked the counter attendant for help.

"Most guys have their own tasting. The guys that order bubble tea here have different orders. So I couldn't really help you with that. But don't worry! I prefer you to buy the honeydew bubble tea." The counter attendant offered with a smile and hope.

I was quite disappointed for a bit. But I dont have more choice.

"Sure. I'll take one chocolate and honeydew bubble tea, please."

After 3 minutes I picked up my order and paid.

When I walked out from the store I'm happy that the bunny guy did not leave yet. I placed the food in front of us. I could see his amazed face.

"Sorry I took so long. He he~"

"It's okay. No problem~" He said with a very geniune smile.

This guy is so formal. His voice, actions, and his attitude is so calm. There's really something in him that I can't figure out. Is he trying to seduce me? No! Im already sweating.

"Here. I hope you like this," I placed the bubble tea I ordered for him and the other cinnamon roll.

"No way? This is my favourite!" He excitedly exclaimed. "Thank you, for everything~"

What everything?

"Ah, ha ha! I dont think this is even enough for me to pay off the help you gave me,"

I see that smirk. It's giving me chills. He took something from his pocket then leaned over me.


He was wiping my forehead.

"Sorry, I see you were sweating. I dont want it to dry in your face and get sick~" he said with affection.

I was taken back. He's a gentleman~.

"Ah, thanks," I said. "Shall we start eating?"


There's something unusual about him. I can feel it. Is it because he's hot? Focus y/n, please.

So, that's how our first adventure went. After that day, he asked for my number and so did I. We started hanging out together and there we go! He's my boyfriend now.



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