she better remember

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Jungkook POV

"Mr. J, got any ideas?" One of the employer asked. "We've been sitting here for 20 minutes straight now."

"I'm sorry. Well, all I could say is that, how about expanding area B so many machines can be made and our profit will definitely increase? By meantioning about expanding, I also suggest about upgrading the machines into a new highly effective technology." I told them before leaning my back to the chair. I feel smart.

"That's very good idea, but..." Mr. P the head of the company hesitate. "what if we lose money if this idea isn't effected?"

"First of all Mr. J, I know money is what we have to give up. This is all about making our customers satisfied. If we can't make them satified, that's where the losing of profit will come~" I feel pleased of my half robotic brain. With an amused face, I was waiting for their responses. But guess what?

Smart Jungkook made them speechless.

It's 6:35 p.m time to head home. Everytime I exit the building, most of my co-workers thinks I'm hot with my smile. I mean who wouldn't fall for me right? I bet you already are. He he he~ Anyways, I'm just looking forward tonight.

With y/n.

She better remember what day it is today. Or else, she might regret what sin she shouldn't have committed especially if it's about me. Today, I'll try my very hardest to be the great. I'm pretty sure y/n will enjoy it. She's very easy to get and to tease. I'm hoping she wont fall in one of my silly games tonight~

To make the night more interesting, I drove myself to the liquor store buying the best wine. I couldn't even stop my face from smirking imagining how y/n is so sexy~ I sighed out.

"Stop it Jungkook! Save it for later."


love y'all my noodles~


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