Chapter III: The Intelligence Quotient

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"I told you that Romeo was not an idiot!" Sera argued at John for the fifth time that day, she swore, this boy.

"Yea, but he sacrificed basically everything just to be with some stupid girl he 'fancied', whatever that means, who just so happened to be part of the family everyone in the kingdom and his family despised." he snorted at his partner. Could he be any more insufferable? Hopefully Seraphina never jinxed herself.

"Whatever, I'm done with this." Sera sighed loudly in forfeit. Arguing would get them nowhere. Especially arguing with the King of all people. It surprised her, why hasn't he even remotely tried to get back at her for the cake incident? Either he was just building it all up so that he could get her guard down, or he thought it was stupid and a waste of time. The latter seemed more logical, but which was more probable?

"Yeah, and I'm done with the project. You can do everything by yourself. Obviously, we won't get any progress of this and apparently you have enough brains for the both of us." he told her ever so aggravated.

"What the hell are you gonna say when we present it then?" her voice questioned in an unwavering sense of annoyance. He had to be kicked of his high horse. Though how, she could not imagine.

"I don't know. Wing it?" John replied lazily.

"Oh no, you will not just 'Wing it'." her voice rose.

"And what are you gonna do about it?" he retorted.

Oh. She didn't know what she was gonna do about that.

"You won't know if you don't do it." she glared at him. She did not like him or his attitude. Why did the teacher even choose them as partners? A cripple and a God Tier? That's just stupid...

"Welp, I am a very curious person, so I'd have to find out." he said as he got up from his seat.

"No, you will not do that."

"And what are you gonna do about it?"

The door closed behind him.


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee- thud.

Ah, the melodious sound of the alarm clock. Obviously, Sera does not agree with statement. Today was the day. Presentation Day. She dreaded it.

Not only did she dread having to come up and present, she worried about what John would do. Sera worried that her grade would go down. She worried that she was probably going insane. The girl is worrying a bit too much for this narrator's liking.

Opening her door and facing the danger of the day, she stepped outside and walked to school.


"So Romeo was then captured by Napoleon and died on the island. The End." he finished. The teacher told them to go back to their seats and called the next duo.

The pair walked back down to their seats with gazes staring at Seraphina and her bewildered expression. Her glare could probably pierce steel.

"So, how did I do?" he asked her with that stupid smirk on his face. She was about to burst. "How did you do?! You need to realize what you did in the first place!" she yelled at him. His smirk fell and was replaced with a scowl.

"Shut up, bitch. I don't need to be told what to do."

Their teacher's voice came, "Do you two need to step out of class?"

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