Chapter 2.

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I turned off the lights, lite the candle, got my red lipstick, and wrote '666' on the mirror.
'Beep, Beep, Beep.' Went my watch. I breathed in and then out, in then out and said the 3 words that I wouldn't learn to regret until a few moments later.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tilted my head down and I whispered out. , "Satan, Satan, Satan."
The next thing that I heard was a teenage sounding laugh. But it sounded, what's the word? Oh yeah CREEPY.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Before I blacked out I opened my eyes to see what looked like as a teenager and the last thing that I heard was "mate."
Then I closed my eyes and fell back. But the last thought that I had was, I don't even know him. Why is he calling me his mate? I'm not Australian and he didn't sound like he was either.


Satan's POV

Well that went well. I made my mate pass out, the bright side is that I got to see her eyes before she passed out and that I got to hold her. I mean it's okay right?

"Yes mom?"
"Where are you sweetie?"
"Um...with someone?"
"Is this someone a girl?"
"She better be your mate. You know how I feel about this."
"Yes mum. I know and yes she is."
"Am I going to get to see her? You better say yes."
"Yes mom."
"No. She is only 14 and I don't want to take her away from everyone like that. But I don't want to leave her."
"Then stay."
"Come back home and I will get one of the witches to give you a spell and you can stay on earth with her until she has graduated Middle School and then you must return home with her."
"Yes mom."
"See you soon Son."
"Yeah, yeah. Bye."
"Don't you be 'yea, yeahing' me mister. But bye see you at home."

She was starting to wake up and I wanted to talk to her before I left. Just so I could know some things about her. So I set her down on the floor and turned on the water as cold as it could go and I splashed a little on her face so that I could wake her up a little faster.
Her eyes started to open and as soon as they saw me they opened wide and we just stared at one another. Nobody saying anything or anyone moving.

"My name is Satan but you my lovely can call me Luc. Short for Lucifer."
"What's your name love?"
"Nice name."

This had to be on the top of the list for the world's most awkward conversations.

"What do you want?"
"You're the one who summoned me. I should be asking you that question Lily."
"Um... We'll you see um... me and my friend were having a sleep over and they um... suggested that I summoned you. I didn't agree at first but then they said that they all had done it before, so I um... I said why not and that takes us to where we are right now."
"Yeah. I guess?"
"So can I join this so called 'sleep-over'?"
"NO!" She shouts and then at that point I could hear her friends at the door. They started to bang on it and call for Lily through the door.

"Lily are you okay in there?"
"Do we need to call the cops?"
"Do you see him?"
"Do you see Satan?"
"Please say something Lily."
"I'm fine you guys. I thought I had saw something." She responded back.

I decided to leave now. After all I would be seeing her Monday at school.

"See you very soon Lily." I whispered. Then I quickly but quietly went through the mirror back to Hell so that my mom could get a witch to come and make the potion for me to become a humanish so I could see her Monday morning.

On second thought maybe I could bring my friends. They need to find their mates soon, and I sure as fuck am not going back to high school, oh hell no, these bitches are going to suffer with me.

452370 7Q!

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