Chapter 3

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Lily's POV

After he disappeared through the mirror I just stood there and stared at the mirror.
'I will see you soon Lily,' WTF is that supposed to mean?

"LILY OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR." Jade screamed, knocking me out of my day dreaming.

"Okay hold on." I called back. I made sure my sleeves were rolled down and checked everything else, as I walked out of the bathroom everyone was leaning around the door waiting for me to come out.

"What took you so long in there?" "Did you see him?" "I'm hungry, let's go get McDonalds."

Yup, you guessed it. The last person was Jade. She might have been worried for me, but that never seemed to stop her bottomless pit, also known as her stomach.

"Really Jade? Lil's could have been killed and you're over there talking about, 'Let's go to McDonalds." Toni almost yelled at her.

"I'm sorry that I'm hungry sheesh. They judge me so much." She started to mumble out the last sentence hoping that we wouldn't hear it but we did.

"We don't judge you Jadey. You're just always thinking about food. I mean we could be in a life compromising positon and all you could be thinking about is what you could buy with $5 at McDonalds." Jess soothed her while the rest of us just laughed and so did Jade because she knows that it was true.

In reality I was happy that nobody was asking me questions anymore, even if I knew that they were about to start asking me question, I have at least a few minutes to gather my story and make it as believable as I can.

"So Sam. What happened in there? You shouted no, did you see him?" Skyler was firing me question left and right. Way to show no mercy Skyler.
"I accidentally slipped and no I didn't see him." I can't even say that I told partial truth because there was absolutely no truth in there what so ever. I feel bad but I don't want them doing it because I have a feeling that he won't be so nice to them.
"Then why did you shout no?" Toni, the inquisitive one. Oh how I love her, but here, right in this moment, I dislike her.
"Because I, um, I broke the lipstick?" It came out as more of a question but I think it worked.
"Okay. So what do you want to do now?" Ann asked.

And I already knew what was happing so I slid on my converse and started to walk towards the front door. Everyone just looked at me like I was crazy, so when they looked at me like I was going nuts I counted, "3...2..1."

"MCDONALDS" Jade screamed. I just laughed because she was Jade and Jade was already running out the house and down the street screaming, "I WILL EAT YOU BURGERS AND UR LITTLE FRIES TOO".

At this point everyone was laughing so hard that they looked like they were about to pee. I put the alarm on, ushered them out the house, locked the door, and pushed them to run down the street because Jade was already half way down it. We just continued down the street laughing, running, and occasionally tripping from not being able to see because of the tears in our eyes from laughing so much.

"Jade please stop running. I'm too tired for this shit." Skyler said. Everyone was thinking it because Jade needs to get all of the energy out of her or else she would never fall asleep.
"I'm sorry but I'm really, really, really, really, really, hungry."
"Yes Jade we know. But please walk because the chances of you losing all of your energy before we get to McDonalds is slowing increasing as you run so please walk. Thank you." Toni sternly told Jade.

As we walked for the next hour we talked about anything and everything. High School and guys we liked and all of this but it was fun.
But as we walked I felt like I was being watched so I was constantly looking around, and happy that nobody saw me because then they sure would have thought I had gone crazy or some shit like that.

When we finally got to McDonald's Jade was on a full sugar high and running to get into line.

"Welcome to McDonald's, make I take your order?"

"Yes. I would like 2 Big Macs, 3 large fries, a 10 piece chicken nugget with 3 BBQ sauces, and a large soda. Do you guys want anything? You're not getting any of my food, just letting you know you will loose a hand if you try." The guy working there just looked at her and then at us and I just shrugged my shoulders as everyone else just laughed.

"Will that be all?" He was still looking at her like she was crazy. This is going to be a good story for him to tell.


"Ok, will that be for here or to go?"

She looked back at us as if to ask.

"To go." Jessica answered.


Everyone went up and ordered what they wanted and when I got up there he asked, "Is she really going to eat all that?"
"Yes. And will most likely take some of ours."
"You're serious?"
"Yea. And she was also serious about loosing a hand. Last time Jessica tried to take some of her chicken at lunch and she stabbed her with the fork. It may have been plastic but it drew blood."
His eyes looked like they would have popped out of his skull if they could have. This is truthfully the best night of my life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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