chapter 4 Nikiya meets Dylan

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Dylan's p.o.v cause why not.
I was walking down the street minding my own business when i felt someone run in to me. When i looked down i saw a beautiful girl she had purple/pink hair and green eyes,i bent down to help her up and when i grabbed her had i got a feeling i never felt before,i think i might be falling for this girl i don't even know.

Nikiya's p.o.v
As i was walking back to the hotel i bumped into something hard and fell to the ground. As i went to get up i herd a voice say here let me help you up,so i looked up and saw a really cute boy in front of me he had his hand out for me to grab so i did and when i grabbed it i got butterflies in my stomach. I think I'm falling in love with this boy with hazel eyes and blond hair and i don't even know his name.

N:nikiya D:Dylan
N: Thank you.
D: No problem myname is Dylan by the way.
N: Oh my name is Nikiya niceto meet you.
D:Same here, i know we only jsut meet but cani get your number because i would like to get to know you.
N: Sure give me ur phone and I will put my number  in it.
D: Ok here.
N: There you go.
D: Thanks talk to you later.
N:Ok bye.
After i finished talking to  Dylan i went back to my hotel room. Once i got back to my room i hopped in the shower and got ready for work.
Time skip to after she finished work.
When i had finished work i went home to the hotel amd saw i had a message from Dylan.
D: Hey beautiful.
N: Hey😄.
D: how was your day.
N: it was good i just got home from work,how was your day.
D: It was good because i meet a beautiful girl.
N: oh and who is she.
D: you of course who else.
N: oh i knew that i was playing with ya.
D: ok anyway would you like to hang out.
N: sure i would when.
D: how about tomorrow at 10:00.
N: ok that sounds good, i will meet you at Starbucks.
D: ok sounds good see ya tomorrow x.
N: ok bye xx.

(Sorry i haven't updated for a while been busy with school but i finish on Wednesday so i should be able to update more.) Love you my unicorns hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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