To Okeanus

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To Okeanus

Eldest of the Titans, of Gaia  and Great Ouranus spawned 
Deep swirling Okeanus, serpentine and bull-horned,
Earth encircling power, life begetting Lord
Most Fertile of Gods, from whom 3,000 rivers poured,
Husband of Tethys, and origin of all,
Loud-booming Father of the Okeanides, I call
Whose primordial water around the heavens flows
Incorruptible source of bliss, from whence Gods and men arose
Your light-footed daughter's, scattered far, keep
In their care the earth and the waters deep
Girdled with the circle of the sky
Source of earth's waters, producing rain from high
You set the limits of the earth, surrounding all.
Come Blessed Titan, hear you supplicant's call.
May your purifying waters cleanse me body and soul
That with a pure heart, I aspire to a pure goal.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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