Bitter sweet tears

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Hey guys, not a request but I got this idea from my friend because I was spamming her to help me :) thanks boo <3 She just gave me a random idea and to my surprise it was actually pretty good so I was like hoh!? okah, I do mah beest :33 Anyway hope you enjoy this lil Chapie!

===J/K's POV===
It was late afternoon and the sun had just started to go down making a beautiful sunset dance across the sky. I was walking to the bus stop to catch a bus home when I saw a girl sitting on the bench holding her head in her hands shaking slightly. She looked like she was....crying? As I got closer she started to look familiar, as if I knew her from somewhere. It only made me walk faster towards her. When I was a few feet away from her I suddenly realised who she was. "Y-Y/N?" I whispered in shock (#shookookie I'm sorry I had to :P) She slowly lifted her head up and looked at me with wide eyes. "J-Jungkook? What....are you doing here?" She asked with a shaky voice. Her eyes were puffy and red from hot tears running down her pale cheeks. My heart broke from the sight of her. Gosh, I don't think I've realised how much I've missed her....ever since we broke up two years ago. Her eyes held great pain in them when she looked at me with guilt. "I'm sorry" she whispered just audible for me to hear. I tilted my head in confusion "For what?" I asked sitting down next to her. "For everything, for leaving you, for being foolish, for....." She couldn't even finish her sentence before looking down ashamed. For some reason those words really made me feel happy. I don't know why, I thought I had gotten over our break up a while back but...I guess not. With a steady hand I grabbed her chin and gently made her look up at me again. "Hey, it's ok, the past is the past, now...why are you sitting here crying? Where's Jacob?" (your ex boyfriend, my friend helped me with that cuz in all honesty I was a bit stuck lol) Her eyes dropped when I mentioned him. Her tears were suddenly threatening to come out again so I quickly held her soft cheeks in my hands. "What's wrong? Did he....?" I didn't need to finish because she nodded rubbing her damp, puffy eyes. "He...he's been cheating on me with my cousin....apparently they've been together for a while now...even while you and I were still a thing" She said looking even more ashamed. "I was such a retard for leaving you for him...I was an idiot, a blind idiotic slu-" I shushed her with my finger stopping her from continuing. The things she said about herself made my heart ache. She's so beautiful and hear those harsh words from her pretty plump lips....really hurt. I think....I think I still love her.

I gazed deep into her beautiful E/C eyes and ran my thump along her smooth, soft lips. Oh how tempting it was to just kiss her right now and here, I missed her so much but, now's not the time. "It's ok, I don't care anymore. All I care about right now is you, I've missed you so much and I hadn't even realised're everything to me and I feel like less of a man for not trying harder to keep your eyes on me" I said sadly, it was true though. I didn't do much in stopping her, she broke my heart but I didn't know what to do, so I just let her leave. She shook her head and held my hand tightly. "You were everything in my eyes, it's just that...he, Jacob tricked me and I fell head over heals for it...and for that I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry" she started to cry again so I hugged her and stroked her back trying to calm her down. "Why? Why did I ever leave you?" She asked looking into my eyes with a sad smile. "I don't know but that doesn't matter, what matters now is that we have each other again, but if your not ready to be together again we can be friends for now?" I suggested stroking her cheeks softly. She smiled and nodded her head "I'd like that" she said hugging me tightly. The bus had arrived and I got up and held out my hand to her "Would you like to come home with me? To forget that no good cheating trickster?" I asked smirking cheekily. She giggled and took my hand "I'd love to, thank you" we got on the bus and talked the whole time and I made sure to help her forget Jacob, and boy did it work when we started talking about my group and band members 😅.


A bit of a short one but I thought it was alright >~< Hope you liked it and please don't forget to request stuff! Remember my brain is quite the dumb and I need some ideas cuz I can't think of them myself but I'll try lol. Look forward to the next chapter! Bai bai! Stay bootiful as usual!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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