Protective Luke

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You sighed as you hobbled on your newest accessory, crutches. You had been playing soccer  when you fell and sprained your ankle pretty badly. After it had gotten extremely black and blue and swollen you decided it was time to go to a doctor. Fortunately it wasn’t broken but only sprained very badly. Ever since you left the doctor’s office, Luke has been extremely protective of you. Everywhere you went, he followed “just incase you fell or needed him”. It was like you were a child all over again and just learning how to walk with someone constantly behind you. You sat on the couch, your leg propped up and your crutches were beside you. “How’s my little patient?” Luke asked as he walked in the room. He kissed your forehead gently, “Do you want anything to eat?” He asked. “Yea sure” you said, starting to sit up. “Woah, woah. You can’t get it yourself, you’re hurt! I’ll get it for you” he said, resting his hand on your shoulder so you wouldn’t try to get up any more. “Luke, I’m fine. I can get my own food” you protested. There was no use in arguing any more because Luke had gotten up and got you your food against your request. For the next few days Luke babied you, getting everything you asked and even things you didn’t ask for. He would carry you from room to room or wherever you wanted to go. Sometimes it seemed annoying but he was a great boyfriend for caring for you and never leaving your side while you recovered.

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