Back to the hell hole

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I slam my hand done on my alarm clock to stop it from making that annoying fucking noise. It the first day of school. yah back to that hell hole. I role out of bed and land on the cold hard wood floor. I finally decide to get off the floor after ten years. I walk in to my bathroom and take a shower, brush my teeth, and hair. When I walk out the bathroom I get goose bumps from the cool air of my room. I wattle over to my walk in closet yes a walk in closet. My parents have a lot of money because they are into fashion. They are never home really alway traveling.Anyway, I put on my bra and underwear along with my black leggings and my black sweatshirt that says "Same nightmare different day". I throw on my "fuggs". I don't like for my parents to spend a lot of money on me. I put my hair in a sock bun and put my glasses on. Yeah I wear glass. I put some cover up on my blemishes to hide them more. I already get made fun of a lot and my zits are also a reason why. I have had acne since I was 9 I really fucking sucks. I can't remember a time I didn't have a zit.One time when I was 11 the other kids picked on my so bad I went home and scrubbed my face so hard it was red the whole next day. My thought was broken by my brother banging on my door.

"Let's go nerd!"Rob yelled still banging on my door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming calm your balls Rob."I tried to yell over him pounding on my door.

I grab my book bag off my chair and open the door.

"Took you long enough. jeez you take so long and look, you still look ugly as hell"

"Thanks I try" I scoffed back trying to hole back the tears. Rob isn't the only one who says this stuff to me it's almost everyone at school but my couple of friends.

He leads the way down the stair and out the door leaving me to lock it as he got into the silver 2013 Ford F-150. I climb into the passenger seat hoping this year will be different then all the other years but, in the back of my head I know it will be the same maybe worst but that was before I meet him...

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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