Chapter 1

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The students that had returned after the war was over weren't big in number, as expected, but they were there. The new Hogwarts' Headmistress McGonagall was so incredibly proud of all those incredibly brave individuals that fought the war and returned to Hogwarts for their final year afterwards.

Amongst them, was Draco Malfoy, the one who was struggling especially much with the war's consequences. Everyone turned away from him and sneered when he walked past, and the boy just grew more and more timid as time ticked by.

None of those whispering students that turned their backs to the blonde knew that he had never willingly participated in any of the Dark Lord's plans and schemes. He simply had no choice, as his father and mother were his servants, it was the only route he could take, in order to save his and his family's lives.

Harry Potter knew this information however, and for that reason alone, he vouched for Draco and his mother, whom saved his life, on their trial, lessening their original punishments significantly. Harry didn't do it out of pity, he truly believed the blonde and his mom deserved a second chance to live normally and free of the misery Voldemort must of put them through.

McGonagall paid close attention to the Slytherin boy, wanting to see how he was coping with the entire situation. It couldn't have been easy on his mind, and the woman knew that, and because of that, she was fairly disappointed everyone turned their backs to him in his time of need.

Everyone, except Harry Potter. He had tried on multiple occasions to speak to the boy, and gain a friend in him, but Draco always pushed him away, for he was scared and distrusting, but Harry never gave up. Draco was the only Slytherin that returned to Hogwarts though, as all the others believed it was wasting time and they went on to look for jobs and build their lives and he always felt alone .

Every day, Harry would stubbornly sit next to Draco and make him eat enough food for the day. Draco always tried to get him to go away but no matter what insult he spat, Harry just shook his head and stayed. Over time, Draco had grown to enjoy Harry's company, as it meant he was alone a lot less, but he would never admit it.

Harry always made sure Draco was in good health and sometimes it amused Draco how mom-like Harry could act towards him. Harry's friends hadn't returned for their last year, and only a few Gryffindors did, and Draco couldn't help but feel a little special Harry chose to spend time with him rather than his Gryffindor folks.

McGonagall was a sharp woman and she noticed the small improvement in Draco's attitude since Harry stuck by his side and she was relieved the boy was getting better. Of course, she was well aware it would take so much time to fully recover from everything that hapenned, but she was glad Draco had someone willing to stubbornly push him forward to take those small steps.

Today, she was observing the two boys at the Slytherin table from her seat and she noticed Draco even laughed at something Harry said. The boy was laughing again, which was good. Of course she worried about all of her students, but she paid closer attention to Draco as he seemed to have drawn the thicker end of it all.

She just wished he would open up more, and let some things out, she knew that would help him immensely, but the blonde was too ashamed of his past actions and experiences, he never wanted to share them with anyone or relive them. He didn't need more humiliation than he already had piled onto him, so he kept it all to himself, quiet and reserved.

He was beginning to trust Harry though, which was evident from how relaxed his posture was every morning when Harry shoved up. His back and shoulders were usually stiff and straight but after Harry's habitual arrival, they would soften and relax a little.

McGonagall was still very worried as he never seemed to be getting enough sleep, she presumed he had nightmares that kept him awake. Day after day, his skin became paler and he started sporting heavy bags under his eyes. He always looked tired and exhausted and just so sickly.

Harry seemed to notice this too and one particular morning, when he sat down next to the Slytherin, he handed him a vial of some potion, explaining to him in a calm tone what it was and what it was used for. McGonagall managed to catch small snippets of the conversation and she was very pleased to see someone trying to take care of the blonde:

"...I noticed you've been looking more tired lately..."

".....this is a dreamless sleep potion...."

"....should help you sleep.."

Draco was suprised Harry had actually noticed his lack of sleep and that he bothered get him a potion that should help him, he murmured a quiet 'thank you' before taking the vial and carefully pocketing it.

After breakfast, the old woman retired to her office to think of some way to try and help Draco recover and heal because she couldn't allow him leave Hogwarts broken and hurt. She had sworn to take care of her students and she'd be damned if she broke that oath.

She sat at her desk thinking of ways to get him to open up more and thinking of reasons why he wouldn't. McGonagall picked up her quill and started creating a list of reasons for Draco's distrust:

1.He knows everyone and when seeing their face his mind immediately connects it to his past relationship with that person, and based off that his mind decides how much trust to put into that person.

2. Most of his relationships with others here weren't good in the past so he has no ground to base any trust on, especially now, when all anyone does is scowl at him and turn away.

She concluded these to be the two main causes and set to thinking how to work around those problems.

After some time, an idea finally struck her.

What if Draco had someone to tell things to, but in the dark where he couldn't see them? His mind couldn't make any judgement based off who the person is and that might help Draco trust them a little more.

But that plan could backfire terribly, as not knowing who they were, Draco would automatically make them out a stranger and trust them less, but it was worth a shot.

And she had only one person in the entire school that would be willing to go along with her plan.

Harry Potter.

So she called him up to her office after his classes ended. He entered warily and sat down in front of her:

"You called for me ma'am?" The boy raised his eyebrows and looked expectantly at his teacher.

"Yes, Harry. I need your help with something, well, someone." She started speaking, pushing her glasses farther up her nose and placing her hands on the table in deep concentration.

"Who is it?" Harry asked, scratching at the back of his neck, waiting to hear who needed him and why.

"Draco Malfoy. I want to help him get better and recover from the things he's suffered and I have found a way but I cannot do it alone." McGonagall proceeded to explain in a motherly tone, a small smile at her lips at how the raven reacted to her words.

His eyes lit up and his tone lightened, he seemed eager to be involved in helping Draco:

"I'll gladly help you ma'am. What's your idea?"

"Confessions In The Dark." She said with a tiny glint in her eyes and a tiny smirk on her face.


Hello! This fic concludes the end of my redemption for Spare Him and starts a story all on it's own. Well I really hope you liked this chapter and I'll see you in the next one, bye!

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