1. new pack member

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Maria pov:

That same night we won against Monroe, Scott said he has to help someone out. He, Stiles, Lydia, Derek, Liam and Malia went to the City Market. Scott told us he'll be gone an hour max.

So I, Mason, Corey, Nolan and Theo were alone at my house waiting for the others to return from whatever they were doing right now.

Scott didn't want to tell us what they were doing he just said that we should wait here and be here when they come back.

Since he said he'll be gone for an hour I decided to go to my best friends house Valerie, who only lives a block away from me, because I left my bag there.

I stood up from my bed and walked to my closet grabbing a jacket and vans. I slipped into my shoes and my jacked and made my way downstairs to the door.

But before I could open the door I heard a voice behind me. "Where do you think you're going?" I turned around to see Theo standing a few feet away from me with crossed arms.

Me: I'm just quickly going over to Valerie cause I left my bag at her place.

Theo: Alright.... But you have to be here before Scott arrives.

Me: Will be. Valerie lives literally five minutes down the street.

Theo: Okay then go.

Me: Bye.

Was the last thing I said before I stepped out into the dark cold night.

Scott pov:

Argent drove away and I turned to Alec.

Me: Okay Alec. The people who are hunting you they've got a leader. Her name is Monroe. She's got a lot of followers.

Alec: Like what? hundrets?

Me: Thousends. All over the world.

Alec: So what are we doing here?

Me: Well, we're meeting up with some people who can help us. Some of them are always with us. Others come when we need them.

Then three cars pulled up. Stiles Lydia Derek Liam and Malia stepping out of them.

Alec: Are they all, Uh, different?

Me: Some of them are. Some can do things you'd never believe. And others might only be human, but they make up for it by being really smart or really good in a fight.

Alec: Who are they?

Me: My friends. My pack. And you can be with us if you want. But you're gonna have to fight.

Alec: Against Monroe?

Me: And everyone that follows her.

Alec: She said she'd find me. That she'd hunt me down and kill me. She didn't care how old I was. She said I was a monster.

Me: You're not a monster. You're a werewolf. Like me.

And then we walked to the cars so we can drive home and tell the others about our plan and the new pack member.

Maria pov:

After a little chat with V I decided to walk home again because Scott would be there soon.

So I was walking down the road when I suddenly heard someone walking behind me. I quickly turned around ready to fight but there was no one in sight so I kept on walking, only a little bit faster than before.

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