2. control

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Maria pov:

Yesterday the whole pack stayed to sleep over. Its Saturday so it was okay for Mom. Some slept in the living room, Stiles and Lydia in the guest room, Malia and Scott in his room, and  the two betas Liam and Alec in my room.

I woke up feeling like my whole body would burn. And guess what. It's exactly what happened. I woke up looked at my body, then outside to the sun and realized that's the cause. I couldn't hold it longer and let out a scream running to a corner where the sun wasn't shining through with my vampire speed.

Alec: What happened.

Me: The sun. It burnet me. I don't know.

Liam: What do you mean?

I walked a little bit closer to mu window and put my hand in the sunlight. It started burning and getting red.  I hissed and took it back.

Me: That's what I mean. I can't go out in sunlight. Oh my got. I cant go out in sunlight! I'll be trapped in the house forever having to live when it's night.
-I started dramatically.

Alec: Relax. There has to be something like I don't know a plant you have to eat every 24h or something so you can walk in sunlight.

Liam: Ask Scott maybe he knows something.

And that's what I did. I walked to his room but stopped when I heard light moans. I forgot that I had super hearing now. But 'god, that gross.' I thought to myself and walked back into my room.

Liam: That was quick.

Me: I didn't go in there.

Alec: Why not.

And since I heard it a minute ago I can't not hear it anymore. Gross. Who wants to hear their sibling while having sex? No one.

Me: Use your super hearing. Don't you hear them?

Liam: Alright yeah I do.

Alec: Me too. And I don't want to hear this.

Me: Me neither lets go downstairs making breakfast.

Liam: Great idea!
- he said ruffling my hair.

We walked downstairs into the kitchen to find Mason Corey and Nolan  already standing there taking out all the ingredients for pancakes.

All six of us were standing in the kitchen baking pancakes talking and laughing. Nolan and Alec fit in great and seem to enjoy being here and part of the pack.

We sat the table and just the six of us ate the pancakes because we were too selfish to tell the others that breakfast was ready. They had to find out themselves.

I have to tell Scott about the sunlight thing because if we don't find any solution i'll be trapped inside forever.

Being a vampire really sucks so far. Except for the speed.

We heard footsteps approaching and turned to the stairs to see Malia and Scott walking towards us three.

Malia: Great breakfast.

Alec: Maria has a vampire problem.

Scott: What? What problem?

Me: I wanted to wait til after breakfast but... I burn in the sun.

Scott: What do you mean you burn in the sun..?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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