Tell Me A Lie

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Lindsay was shanking so bad she could have sworn people were looking at her like she was crazy. She tried to push this boy off of the bed but he didn't budge. He looked up in her eyes and you could see the confusion in them. The hurt that was there, and she knew she caused it. But she didn't care.
"It's you..." Lindsay wispered. She was angry and filled with rage, but it looked like she wanted to cry.
This was the person that took her away from the beauty. The person that pulled her away when Lindsay wanted to stay. It was his fault she was acting like this.
If only he knew how she felt about him. About the place she was in before this scary, bleach smelling hospital. If only he knew about it all, he would understand why she wanted to go back. Why she hated him so much.
"Lindsay... Can you please do me a favor?" He looked at Lindsay with desperation. "Look me in the eyes and tell me what's wrong. It's me, Will. Do you remember?"
No, she didn't remember him so no, she would try not to budge at telling him what was wrong.  She's not going to tell this guy about her problems, wheather they included him or not. She wanted him to know, but she did not either. He would think she was mad. Just like everyone else did.
She looked at the people staring at her. The older man and woman and the other girl her age. Their eyes were wide, making it seem as if she were dying in front of them.
"Can you leave us for a few minutes?" Lindsay asked, trying to keep her voice from shaking.
  The three others walked out of the white room. As soon as they shut the door, Lindsay was furious. She started crying tears of rage.
"Why are you here?" Lindsay wailed. The boy just stared at her, blinking rapidly.
"Why am I here?" his voice was soft and confused. "I'm here because I wanted to be here. Because I needed to be here. Because I love you, Lin. And knowing what happened to you tears me apart. I wouldn't be able to live woth myself if I didn't know you were okay. " Will's voice cracked as he said those last few words.
"But I was okay! Everything was perfect until you woke me up," she gasped, trying to stop hyperventilating. "It was beautiful! I can't..." she paused, drawing in a long breath. "I can't stay in this place. I need to go back to the flowers... I don't want to stay in this hospital. I just can't... Just lie to me and tell me I can. Tell me it'll be like the flowers. Just lie."
There was a long silence until they said something else to each other.
"You can," Will whispered through the silence.
And with that, there conversation was over.

Hey guys. I just wanted to thank whoever reads this for taking there time to actually read it. This is my first book ever really. So if you guys would like to give me some tips in the comments, i'll gladly read them!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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