Chapter 12

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I woke up to my alarm going off , I Press the button and Hayes walks In

' Did you set my alarm? because I didn't '

" Yes I did , your mom wants me to go with you girls to the hospital''

' Fuck I have to go to the hospital'

" Yeah , what do you want to wear?" he asks

' You choose '

" Okay but your mom says it can't be jeans or sweets ''

' Why'

" Surprise"

He came out from my closet with a leather leggings and a big Magcon sweater , with a Hayes Grier shirt

' I knew you would make me wear that shirt '

He laughed ' call me when your done getting ready'

" Okay"

He walked out , I had trouble getting my shorts off because it was stuck to my toe, but I wiggles my leg

My leg moved! sounds weird but it did

I put on my pants and shirt.

" Hayes ! "

He walked in

" I moved my leg "

' That's great , your mo said we have to go now '

' Okay'

He picked me up and walked downstairs then put me on my wheelchair

" Hayesy- boo I forgot my sweater "

' It's okay just wear my face' he says smiling

He pushes me to the car and helps me in then puts my chair in the trunk

My mom drives us to the hospital and does the hospital things like sighing things and my information on my blood type

Hayes is sitting on the hospital chair while I'm sitting on my wheelchair in front of him

' You been so nice to me ' I say

" What I can't be nice to my Beautiful best friend? " He says laughing

' I know but you- never mind ' I say holding his hands

" We'll Evelyn i wanted to ask you something for a very long time "

' Okay what is it?' I ask

" Do you want to be my girlfriend? " he asks quietly

' Only if you be my Boyfriend' I say laughing

" Of course I'll be your boyfriend" he says

' of course I'll be your girlfriend' I say smiling.

The nurse told us which room to go to , we went there and the doctor was already there

" Good morning Evelyn , are you ready to try to walk? ''

" Walk? I thought my legs were paralyzed "

' The hospital made a mistake last week and your legs were just sore from running , jumping and all the things you do'

" So I can walk?"

' Your legs may still be sore but we can try'

Hayes helped me up and walked me around the room then sat me back down

' My knees have a slight pain but noting else ' I say

" Okay I'll give you some pain Medicine " he says

' Okay thank you so much '

" Oh and you won't be able to walk right away , your legs need to get used to the walking again"

' Okay thank you ' I said and sat In my wheelchair , the doctor came in with the pills and a perception

Hayes and I went to his moms for the rest of the day

' I missed playing games with you ' Hayes says

" I missed it too" I say

' I can't believe you beat me four times 'he says laughing

We're playing black ops multiplayer I beat him four times already

" Hayes I have chemo tomorrow , wanna come keep me company?"

' Of course I will ' he says and kissed my cheek

" Good because I don't want to be bored " I say messing with his hair

He pressed pause and stood up " I love you Evelyn"

' I love you too Hayes'

He got on his knees and I leaned in and kissed his soft lips

He sat back on the bed , not breaking the kiss

We sat there for a good 10 seconds until Nash walked in

' oops sorry ' he says smiling

I looked at the clock, it's 10:36pm

" I got to go now"

'Oh I wanted to talk to you '

" Sure " I said

' I wanted to tell my fans about us' he says

" Are you sure?" I ask

' I'm sure but I won't if you don't want me too' he says

" No I'm okay with it " I said

But I really wasn't , Nash told his fans about his Girl friend Rosie , she got so much hate she broke up with him and moved away. he talks to me about that almost every two days

I kissed him one more time and he helped me get downstairs and Nash dropped me off

' You and Hayes are gonna tell the world about Haylyn?'

i let out a big sigh ' yeah we are and don't call us Haylyn '

" Why it's cute " he says

' Yeah we are'

" Don't let the hate get to you" he says

' I won't, the thing is .......... I'm dying Nash , he's gonna be heart broken'

" Your not dying Evelyn, your just sick it's gonna get better I promise " he says

By the time he finished we were already in my driveway

' Thanks for the ride I said while he helps me get on my wheelchair

" No problem , if you need to talk, you know where I live" he says laughing

' Thanks ' I said while Nash pushed me into my moms

She thanked him and I went to my room

I changed into my shorts and a tank top

I started walking around my room , I hung onto the wall and walked around

I got tired and climbed into bed , but I forgot to take my tynol so I walked into the washroom and fell , I rolled on my back, mom walked in and asked if I was okay

I laughed and she gave me my pill

I soon fell asleep


Arthors note

Sorry I haven't updated In 3 weeks lol

I'm sick and have a ear ache

Also I just moved... again so yeah sorry

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