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"Roni calm down. Your dad pressured you not to say anything. That's not your fault" Regina says pulling her niece into a hug. Roni wiped her tears and said "Regina I let him cheat on her for years. I caught them when I was 9. That means 6 years I've let him cheat on her and I never told a soul. Your the only person I've ever told this to" Regina pulled away and said "talk to your mum about this. I promise you it will be ok and we both know I don't break my promises" Roni smiled and finished wiping her tears.

She nodded and kissed Regina's cheek. "Thanks" she says softly. Regina smiled and said "anytime sweetie... belle come here quick" belle walked in and saw Roni had been crying. "What's wrong sweetie" she says coming over. Roni hugged her and said "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" belle looked confused at Regina. "Ask her" regina mouthed and pointed at Roni. The young girl pulled away and said "I knew dad was cheating on you. He made me keep it a secret from you. Please don't stay with him. He's a horrible man"

Belle moved some of her hair behind roni's ear and said "your telling me now and that's what's important. I'm most likely to be breaking up with him and I'm sorry you had to keep that a secret" Roni smiled and hugged belle. Regina joined the hug. After a few seconds they pulled away. Regina smiled and said "come on I have something that will cheer you up. We're going to mess with him" Roni smiled but belle raised her eyebrows. "Are we now? And how do you plan on that" belle says in her older sister voice.

Regina gave her a goofy smile and they went into the lounge. "Em baby stand up" Regina says with her still goofy smile. Emma put Dayanara and Lucas in there cot before standing up. Henry was playing with his toys on the floor. "Ok stand there. Belle stand next to her" Regina demands with a smile at her plan. The girls did as she said but were confused. Regina got her phone out and said "I want. Few pictures of you two hugging and smiling to send to him just to annoy him" Emma laughed at the plan.

Belle put her hands on her hips and said "seriously Regina? Your a child" regina giggled and said "it will be funny and your only a couple years older" belle smiled and said "try 4 years older. Your lucky I love you and have him right now" belle would only get 2 photos.

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"You know he's going to kill you right" belle says looking at them

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"You know he's going to kill you right" belle says looking at them. Regina smiled and said "I hope so. He's an ass. Speak of an ass Killian is on his way" belle laughed and sent the picture to rumple. A minute later rumple sent back a text.

Rumple: screw you all! Emma isn't good enough for belle!

Regina took belles phone and texted him back.

Belle: this is Regina. Clearly your not good enough for her either. You realise the only reason one of me or my siblings haven't killed you yet is because I'm he only one who knows and I'm with her but god help your soul when one of us gets to you!

Belle looked shocked at the text. She then looked up at Regina and said "ow yeah you tell Killian and I'll kill you" Regina sighed and said "fine. Emma will" belle glared at her. Emma laughed and said "that look doesn't work anymore" belle continued to glare until Emma felt uncomfortable. "I won't" Emma says standing up. Regina smiled and said "you know what? I promise I won't tell Killian. I'll just tell Chris and Robin" belle sighed and said "Gina don't. They hated him when I first met him let alone after he's done this"

Regina hugged her older sister who was the second smallest. She wasn't much taller than Regina. "Belle come on. Can you imagine how funny it will be to see him crapping his pants at the sight of our 3 very tall brothers or even better me and Sofia" Regina says holding her close. Roni had Lucas in her lap and Emma was holding Dayanara. Henry was sat next to Emma looking at the baby. Belle did like the idea of Regina and Sofia.

"Just don't tell the boys. They're insane with there talks on the first meeting let alone what they'd be like now" belle says making Regina laugh. Emma looked up and said "hell yeah I know. There scary. That talk they had with me on our wedding was intense" Regina giggled and said "were all Latina. We are protective of our own" Killian knocked the door. Regina answered it. Killian smiled and held his arms out. Regina jumped up and hugged him. Rapping her legs around him. Since Killian was so tall he did this to all of them.

He put Regina down and kissed her head. They went to the lounge. Belle did the same as Regina to him. Roni also did it but Emma stayed sat down. They all kept there mouth shut about rumple for now. They wanted to sort everything out before the boys found out. Hermione knocked on the front door with her twins. They were running around her legs. Regina opened the door and the kids ran in. Hermione sighed and said "sorry there crazy" Regina laughed and hugged her. She came in and they went to the lounge.

The twins were insane. "Liam, hope come on" Hermione says while tired. They ignored her and carried on being hypo. "You two come sit down and see the babies" Emma says to them. They smiled and climbed into the sofa. Emma managed to calm them down and even got them to sleep. They all were in the kitchen now while Emma was getting them to nap. She put Lucas and Daya in the cot since they were sound asleep. Hermione came in and saw all the kids asleep. Henry was asleep on the armchair.

Belles twins were upstairs quietly. "How" Hermione whispered shocked. Emma smiled and shrugged. "I've been a mum for 3 years and I had to help my nan look after my brother so I've had plenty of experience" Emma says as they head to the kitchen. Hermione laughed and said "God your amazing at it" Regina looked up and said "amazing at what" Emma hugged her and said "sex" Regina smiled and said "I know that but what is Hermione shocked at" Emma laughed and kissed her softly.

"All the kids are asleep" Emma said moving her hands to Regina's hips. "Ow yeah you are an amazing mum" Regina says before kissing her again. They pulled away and smiled. Belle kissed Emma's cheek and said "I felt left out" they laughed and Emma pulled away. She put her arm around Regina's shoulder. The front door then knocked. "Who could that be" Regina says curiously. Emma kissed her cheek and went over to the door.

She opened it and saw an older woman she recognised. "Emma swan?" She asked softly. "Why are you here" Emma says annoyed at he woman. Emma knew exactly who it was. It was a friend of her mums who was like an aunty to her. As soon as Emma's parents died she tried getting money from them. When she failed she left and didn't care about them or there loss. "I wanted to come talk to you. We're family" Anna says softly. Emma frowned and said "your not my family. Your a gold digging b**ch"

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