Chapter 18

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Daddy led us to the cafeteria and sat me at the table while he ordered someone to get us some food. It was rare that we sat with everyone and the only time I could remember why we did was when we I first came here.  Daddy sat down in front of me and stared at me with a big smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling like that daddy?"  Daddy leaned back as the server came and placed the food down.

"Can't I smile at my princess?" I shook my head.

"You're weird." Daddy let out a deep chuckle.

"Am I well then I guess I won't make my announcement." I looked at him oddly. I knew there was a reason why we were here and I wanted to know what is was.

"Tell me pretty please!" I begged.  Daddy shook his head at me.

"Eat first, then I will tell." I quickly picked up my fork and started to eat. I was surprised that we had chicken and that it was something different other then packaged food. When asked how we got chicken daddy told me that a few of his men had gone out to look for food and the found a farm with a lot of animals like pigs, chickens and a few cows.

I was surprised how they still survived all this unless someone was taking care of them and one of daddy's men killed someone in order to get it. We had a few chickens and pigs that we got from the hilltop and the kingdom but it wasn't a lot and we mostly saved the chicken for reproducing and to use there eggs. You will think that by now that they would have a ton but there was a lot of people here so meat was limited and only used for people with high points or special occasions.

"Daddy can we go see the new animals later?" I asked a I ate a fork full of food.

"Well see baby." I pouted my lip.

"I wanna see them!" I yelled and hit my hand on the table earning a scowl from daddy.

"You better fucking behave." Daddy pointed at me.

"Or what, your gonna spank me. " I crossed my arms and huffed.

"Do you want spankings cause I wouldn't mind bending you over my lap in front of everyone." I shook my head and finished my food.

"I think baby needs a nap." I shook my head. I felt myself wanting to yawn but I tried to ignore it. He was right I did need a nap.

"The annocentment daddy!" I said impatiently bouncing in my seat.  Daddy smirked at me and stooded up baning Lucille against the table causing the room to get quiet. I looked around the room seeing that it was filled with all of the citizens of the saviors. Everyone eyed daddy as daddy looked at me.

"As you all know I have many wives, but nothing compares to my beautiful princess. She is smart, talented and everything a women fucking should be. Hell she even forced me to fucking wait for her and if that's not something then I don't know what fucking is. I had told her that she will become my queen and I want to make that shit happen." Daddy turned back to me and I was really confused what he was doing until I watched him get down on one knee and pull out something from his pocket. I gasped in shock and knew what he was going to do. "Sara, my beautiful princess. Will you marry me and become my queen." I shook my head frantly and jumped on daddy and hugged him.

"YES! YES! YES!"Daddy squeezed me tightly and I let go so he can put the ring on my finger. I couldn't stop staring at the beautiful diamonds and knew daddy had to probably kill so many meat puppets to find the perfect one. This was it  I was going to be his forever and I didn't mind one bit. "I love it daddy it's so, so, so, pretty." Daddy chuckled and pulled me to his side and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Only the best for my queen." I looked up at him and batted my eyes.

"But I'm still your princess right?" Daddy nooded and gave me a smile.

"Of course baby girl, now why do we go see the animals." I squealed and jumped up and down. I was excited to see them since I haven't really seen any before the apocalypse.

Daddy held my hand as we walked into the garden. I had never knew we had one until now since I had always thought that we had gotten things from other people. Daddy let me picked a few berries for myself and a few carrots to feed them. When I heard them I couldn't help myself to run over to cages. I heard daddy chuckle and was surprised he wasn't mad that I had ran off.

"Daddy can we keep one please daddy please." I begged as I feed the pigs the carrots.

"No baby, the fucking smell and I don't have time to clean up after it if it makes a fucking mess." I rolled my eyes and was happy that daddy didn't see. I really wanted to keep one and to have it so I can play with it and love it.

"You don't smell, daddy is just being a butthead." I cooed to the pig.

"I'm being a what now?" I ignored daddy and continued to pet the pig and say cute things to it. I felt someone yank me up by my arm and I was tossed over someone's shoulder and started walking away from the pigs. I could tell by the leather jacket and the baseball bat that was in the right hand that it was daddy .

"Put me down!" I yelled as I kicked my legs earning a slap to my button.

"Enough kicking, what did I say about ignoring daddy, hmm." I let out a huff which earned another smack.

"Ouch! You said not to." Daddy carried me until we got to our room. I looked at the people who watched us curiously making my face turn red. Daddy ploped me on the bed before going to were my crayons were and paper. He took a piece of paper and a blue crayon and sat it at the coffee table.

"Come here little girl." I did what he said and walked over to him. Daddy tapped his finger on the paper and I looked at him in  confusion.

"I want you to write 'I will not ignore daddy' twenty times, do you understand." I nodded my head and began to write. I watched daddy go over to his table and pour himself a glass of liquor. I had never taste alcohol besides wine before and I was curious to why daddy liked it so much. "Why do I not hear you writing down lines." I quickly went back down to writing and muttered sorry.

After what seem like forever I was finally done. My hands hurt so much and I never wanted to do that again.I turned around and got on daddy's lap and gave him the paper. Daddy read it over making sure I didn't miss any lines.

"Good job baby, now what did you learn?"

"Not to ignore you, please don't make me do it again I rather have spankings." Daddy chuckled and took another sip of the carmel liquid.

"Sweetheart, you're not to like fucking punishments. That's there supposed to teach you what you've done wrong." I nodded and buried my face into his chest.

"Daddy  why do you drink that stuff." Daddy looked at the glass and swirled it around.

"It helps relax me, why have you ever had it before?" I shook my head. "I wouldn't allow you to have any anyways but I guess I could let you have a taste." Daddy handed it to me and I took a sip of it and scrunched my face. At first it tasted good until I got the after taste. Daddy let out a chuckle and took his glass back. I didn't know how daddy could drink that without anything with it.

"I don't like it." Daddy let out another chuckle.

"Good you aren't supposed to like it."


❤️There getting married!

🌼I couldn't make you guys wait another week for an update so here it is.

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