23 1 1

"Seungkwan!" you called out, hurrying across the cafeteria to get to him. Even though you almost tripped over someone getting there, you made it to your usual table. 

"Seungkwan," you said, out of breath, "there's a..." 

"There's a what, Y/N?" he asked teasingly.

"A cute new boy in my French class," you finally finished.

His face fell a little, but you didn't notice as you were too excited thinking about JB. Seungkwan had liked you since last year, even though you were only best friends in your eyes. He knew he had to support you because he didn't have the courage to tell you that he liked you, but this had happened before with a few guys and he'd always been there to comfort you when your heart got broken.

"Ooh, who is he?" Seungkwan questioned weakly with a fake smile.

"His name is Jaebum and he came here from South Korea like you, and he-" you paused after looking around the cafeteria and locking eyes with him. He was seated not far away from you and Seungkwan, so you definitely didn't want him eavesdropping on your conversation.

Seungkwan looked at you after you stopped chattering, and followed your line of sight to Jaebum. "So that's him," he muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" you turned back around to Seungkwan.

He just smiled his trademark smile and shook his head. "I didn't say anything."

You turned back to look at Jaebum for a second, and quickly whirled back around. Jinyoung is sitting with him! 

"Seungkwan, Park Jinyoung is sitting with him!" you whispered excitedly. Jinyoung was a friend of yours, and you could always sit with him for a change.

He saw that you were planning to ditch him for Jinyoung, so he grabbed your arm and sat you back down next to him. "You aren't allowed to leave me!" he whined.

"Fine," you said. You pinched Seungkwan's cheeks, and he swatted your hands away. Interrupting his loud protests, you cooed extremely loudly, "Awh, poor Seungkwannie doesn't want me to leave him all alone!"

In the tables surrounding yours, chatter suddenly ceased.

"Y/N, uh, don't look up," Seungkwan said nervously.

Of course, you looked up to see Jinyoung turned around in his seat to look at you and JB staring right at you. You blushed and sat down across from Seungkwan so Jinyoung and JB wouldn't be able to see the mortified expression on your face.

"Maybe I should just stick with you from now on," you said with an embarrassed smile.

Contented, Seungkwan nodded his head in approval. "This is what happens when you try to impress boys that aren't me," he said pointedly. Of course, he meant what he said, but you thought he was joking around with you. You were best friends, after all.

"Shut it!" you exclaimed, shoving one of his shoulders.

Meanwhile . . .

"Jinyoung," Jaebum said. "Who is that girl over there who was pinching that guy's cheeks?"

"Ah, that's Y/N and Seungkwan. Why do you ask?" he inquired.

"Just asking."

Jaebum was thinking that you were dating Seungkwan, and there was no reason for him not to. "Are they dating?" he asked plainly to an unsuspecting Jinyoung, who was drinking.

Jinyoung almost choked on his water. "No! Of course not! They're just best friends, Jaebum," he explained.

"If you say so." Jaebum narrowed his eyes at Seungkwan, seeing the way he looked at you. 

"Why, are you interested in her or something?" Jinyoung inquired teasingly. 

Now it was JB's turn to choke on water. "What? No! I just wanted to know," Jaebum said.

In French class, he had seen your flushed cheeks when the teacher called you out, and he thought it was quite cute. 

He continued eating while Jinyoung gave him a knowing look. 

"Look," Jinyoung sighed, seeing JB looking at you with a blank expression. (another pun) "It's common knowledge that Seungkwan likes Y/N. So if you're going to go for her, be careful."

JB's eyes widened by a fraction and he immediately denied that he was looking at you, even though he was. An interesting person, he thought. 

You two were very much opposites. He, being a closed-off person (or so it seems), was very different from your extroverted personality. Even so, there's a saying that opposites attract...

Sorry the update took so long! I've been distracted watching Good Morning Call... oops. GOT7's album is AMAZING and BooSeokSoon just released a song! Look forward to a member of BTS coming soon in honor of their debut (which is VERY SOON HOLY CRAP)! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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