IX) Halim Ondore IV

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~1 year before~

I stare out the broad window of the Castean, breath fogging up the crystal clear glass. The night is clear with only the glitter of the stars to illuminate the way. Most nights we fly far away from civilization to avoid unwelcome contact. Neither of us wants to deal with society. No, society marred us with too many scars. A burned child never reaches for the stove a third time, at least not once the blisters have bubbled up and burst. All we need is air and sky and each other. Tonight, I refuse to land. I refuse to fear the dark while I lie in bed. No, tonight we fly and I refuse to shut my eyes.

The plains beneath us are smooth, green, alive. Giant serpents settle for the night and birds shimmy into place inside their nests. The gentle hum of the ship's engine lulls me into comfort, even as I rub over a stinging cut with steel-armored fingertips. The wounds we received from a pack of wolves this afternoon need much more time to recover. Our curatives are gone and both Dern and I can't seem to grasp healing magick. No matter. Stowing the Castean away for a few days won't be difficult. I'll explore the safer areas around us while Dern toys with upgrade ideas I've drawn in my sketchbook. It always goes that way on these recovery trips. Perhaps I'll soak in some of the summer sun.

"You're taking on the whole night?" I jump, my heart leaping into my throat when I feel a hand gently resting on my back. "You're hardly in the proper shape for such a task."

"Says Dern the Drowsy," I taunt gently, turning around to face him and crossing my arms. He chuckles softly, shaking his head. "Go back to sleep. I'll be alright."

"Will you now?" He raises one dark eyebrow, motioning to the sore wounds littering my skin. Crimson is smudged across my white shirt and bruises and cuts create a sickening pattern across my shoulders, arms, neck. "Don't fight me tonight, Shae. Go get some rest. It's well deserved."

"I'm not tired," I reply simply, turning my gaze out to the world below us. He sighs, gently forcing me to face him by grasping my shoulders and turning. I shudder at the feeling of his warm hands on my cool skin. The contrast is so sharp it burns.

"It is not a matter of energy, merely one of healing. Please, Shae." He nods toward the window. "This is all ours. You have the rest of your life to gawk at the beauty of creation. Refrain from making yourself sick of it while you're young."

"You're hardly much older than me," I retort, though I have to fight a yawn in the process. Dern's right; I should rest. But... To leave him out here, alone, all night... Dern has already sacrificed far too much. "Maybe we should stop here for tonight."

"No need. We have places to be by morning and I rested plenty after our return." He raises an eyebrow, feigning a stern expression. "Off to bed, Shera."

"Alright, Adamar. I'll go to bed now and skin you alive later."

"I suppose that's a deal," he smiles, shutting those bloodshot green eyes and pressing a soft kiss to my forehead that makes me shudder from the difference in temperature. Sighing, I pull him into a careful hug, arms hooked under his and wrapped around the tight surface of his back. His sharp chin rests on top of my head; I shut my eyes. Beneath my fingertips, I feel the smooth, worn shaft of his javelin. "I suppose I say it too often... But only the gods know how grateful I am to have you here with me." He laughs to himself quietly, giving me one last squeeze. "Goodnight, Shae."

I pull away from his grasp and force a smile on my face, nodding and brushing past him to head for my quarters alone. "Goodnight, Dern."

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