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       "Mr. Stark, I don't know if that will work." Your voice dropped, you knew it sounded to good to be true.
     "Why not? Your perfect, you know how to make expresso and Sam's already smitten." He pointed at the man who was now watching tv. "Don't break his heart."
       "Mr. Stark..."
        "Please call me Tony, I've already got one I'm trying to break of calling me that."
      "Fine, Tony, I have a daughter, you already said you like your privacy and I don't think a ten year old running around is something you'd bargain over." You sighed.
     "I already knew that, Steve told me in his text message. Look you need a job and I need help, I think I can handle a ten year old. I've had to deal with these idiots for the last couple years by myself."
     "Hey now Tony, you've had help." Natasha spoke, standing behind you causing you jump. "Hi."
      "No, I haven't. The last time I did she turned out to be a spy." He quipped back at the woman. "Either way, I have a couple of extra rooms, come with me."
    Tony showed you to end of the hall, it was almost set up like an apartment. There was what would be your own living room, a small kitchen. And two doors attached to the living room, both were bedrooms one had a bathroom attached.
    "I know it's small, but you and your kid would have your own space." His eyes were earnest, he was trying his hardest to get you to say yes.
    "Can I talk it over with her?" You asked turning and looking at him, your arms crossed in front of you.
    "Of course, here's my card with my number." You held up your hand shaking your head.
    "I won't need it, I don't currently have a working phone. I'll come back by later if she agrees. We don't have much, maybe two boxes of stuff between us. If she agrees then we'll just come back with our stuff, how's that sound?" He nodded in agreement with what you said.
   "Sounds like a plan." He replied.

    You found yourself later walking back up to the tower, with Kayla in tow. She was carrying her own box much like you, you had no problems getting through the desk. You set the box down in the elevator, Kayla beaming at you.
    "Mama, can I press the button?" She asked, her bright blue eyes twinkling at you with excitement.
     "Yes, number fourteen." You reply, gripping the railing again.
    "This is really happening." She giggled, almost bouncing. "We are really living with Avengers."
    "Yes, Kayla." You sighed, your daughter was usually the very opposite of how she was acting now. On any normal given day she never talks, just silently did her own thing. This was the most she had said in weeks and it lifted your mood.
    The door dinged and the two you picked up your things walking out into the penthouse. Sam sprung from his spot on the couch and rushed over to you. He spotted Kayla, who suddenly clammed up and stepped partially behind you. He knelt down, narrowing his eyes with big a smile.
    "You must be our new help." He teased, you looked down behind you at you daughter. A smile started to form on her face. "Cause man, we need it. Bet you didn't think the Avengers need help did you."
    "Your Falcon." She breathed, while you only knew of couple them your daughter grasped onto anything that revolved around them. She lived and breathed for the Avengers, the mightiest superheroes were her idols.
    "I sure am, and you are?" He asked, holding his hand out, offering to take her box.
    "I'm Kayla." Handing him the box, Sam stood up, placing it under his arm, taking her hand in his. He walked with you down the hall to your apartment. You opened the door with ease, looking at your daughter.
    Stepped in her eyes wide, she rushed out to one of the rooms leaving Sam behind.
    "Cute kid." He said placing the box on the counter. "Anyway, Tony wanted me to make sure you two got settled in. There's a key card on the end table by the door so once the building is locked up for the night you can still get back in."
    "Mom!!" She squealed, from the bedroom.
    "Okay, anything else I need to know?" You asked as she came tearing out, carrying a laptop. "What the.. where did you get that?"
      "It was in the room, Mom, there was note. It said to y/n daughter, if you need help with homework." She squealed again. "It was signed Tony. "
     "Okay, Kayla." You chuckled, looking back at Sam. He had walked back to the door watching you daughter with amusement. "I think we'll be fine."

    Hours later, your daughter was finally asleep, crashed in her new bed. You stepped out into the hall and walked down to the common room. The sound of 'I love lucy' filtered through the air, you couldn't help but smile. You came around the corner, heart skipping a beat, he was there. Sleeping in the chair you had first seen him.
    You stepped into the kitchen, noticing stray dirty plates. Quickly you rinsed them placing them in the dishwasher quietly. You wiped down the counters quickly, setting up the coffee pot for tomorrow.
    "You must be the person Tony hired." His voice was deep and gravely.
    " I am." You finally turned to face him, his eyes went wide as he jumped from his spot.
   "Y/n, Sam didn't tell me it was you." Excitement lacing each word.
     "So you've been talking about me?" You jested, he stopped for a moment. Looking around.
    "Well, no. I only told Steve about you, but Sam was telling me a bit about the person Tony had hired." He walked into the kitchen. "I just, I didn't realize it was you."
       "Yeah, you didn't tell me your rich friend was Tony Stark." You leaned your hip against the counter.
      "I try to block that part out." He laughed lightly, running his hand through his hair. You were about to respond when you heard your daughter cry. Your head snapped to the hall, she stumbled out her arms outstretched.
       "Sweet heart, what's wrong?" You rushed over, picking her up. She may have been ten, but moments like this she reminded you of that poor five year old girl. The little girl clutching her stuffed rabbit peering around the corner in horror.
        "I had... it was nightmare. I thought... maybe he.. I don't know. You were gone." She choke out before starting to cry again. You held her close, stroking the back of her head.
    "It's okay sweetie, I just had to clean up a bit before I went to bed. Remember, I told you that sometimes I wouldn't be in our rooms cause I would need to clean." You explained to her, walking over and sitting down with her on the couch. "Mr. Stark has very good security system. He's not getting in here okay."

Me, her, and YouWhere stories live. Discover now