When Jake moves from Spain to the town of Pasadena Califonia, his main aim is to reak as much havoke as he can, his not happy about being forced to move countries. Girls crawl over him, and he can never find him self in a relationship that lasts longer then 2 weeks. He's a player, he uses and abuses.
Livi is a smart, responsable girl, who's never broken a rule in her life. She's independent, and intends on passing high school with honors!
When Livi meet's Jake, the hot, rebelious bad boy, it's clear that they where not meant to be friends. Everything about Jake turn's Livi off, his cocky, self centered attitude, and the way he can't even call her by her real name!
Livi soon finds, however, that staying away from Jake will be harder then she originally planned, and when they get forced to be lab partners, and livi is required to drive Jake to school everyday, sparks fly, and the two learn more about each other.
But when the two finally start to get along, the odds are stacked agaisnt them, and Jake finds himself in a situation that puts everything, and everyone he now loves, in danger.
Please let me no what you guys think of the story, I've never done anything like this before, so im really new to this :) x