Twenty Two: Waiting

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Waking up in Shayne's bed this time was a lot different than the last time I woke up in his bed. Last time I was shocked and didn't think I would ever sleep with Shayne Topp since he's always been such a good friend and only that to me. Never would I ever would've imagined sleeping with this man four times and start realizing that it was more than that. Feelings for Shayne were actually growing and I didn't think it would happen.

Shayne and I just always had a strong friendship, but I never would've expected falling for him because of my relationship with Anthony. Anthony was this guy I imagined to be with the rest of my life, but now, it's nothing like that at all. I picture it, but it's not as happy as it use to be because of how Anthony and I are. I've never been a perfect girlfriend and he's never been a perfect boyfriend, but I've at least tried.

His trying is sucking up and that's never been something I've liked.

I appreciated the roses he gave me that day we started working things out again, but it's just the fact he made it seem like it's what I wanted for the rest of my life. I'm fine with trying, but it got to the point where he was basically sucking up and I couldn't deal with it. I had to call him out on his shit and I know he wasn't happy about it. Makes me think I should stay here for another night.

But I know I can't do that.

Realization hit me when I remembered that my phone was still in the jeep. I sat myself up from the bed and ran my hand through my messy bed hair. To think the millions of calls and text messages that are probably on my phone, I knew I wasn't ready to check it, but there's a lot of explaining to do and I have to figure out if Anthony knows anything. If Tristan even mentioned that I wasn't at his house, Anthony would've called my parents and I would still have to explain that to them.

I needed to get out of this bed. Anxiety was getting the best of me.

I took the blankets off of me and turned my body around. I placed my feet on the carpet and stood up. I wasn't naked this time because after Shayne and I's encounter, I got back into my bra, tank top and undies thinking that I was going to leave, but just decided to stay over since it was late. Also, I'm not the biggest fan sleeping naked either. That's something that Anthony enjoyed doing; not I.

I reached down to grab my jeans and sat back on the bed to slip them on. As I slipped them back on, I heard a slight chuckle. "You know," Shayne started off saying. I looked back at him and saw the small grin of his tired face. "It's normally the guys that sneak out after a one night stand."

I chuckled and leaned over to him. "Hun, it's been more than one night," I said to him. He smiled and I leaned back up. "But I do need to get going. I know a lot of people are wondering where I am and I only pray to god that Anthony didn't get my parents involved in this."

"You think he would?" Shayne yawned out but sat himself up from laying down.

"I think if he called Tristan and Tristan didn't know where I was, then yes. I think Anthony would be crazy enough to call my parents and worry about me," I stated. "I'm gonna call Tristan when I get the chance to see what's happened. I really shouldn't have left my phone in the jeep last night."

"It's a good thing you did," he said to me. I buttoned my pants and got up from the bed. "Ronnie, it's okay to be unplugged from the bullshit. You needed time to think and not having to worry about the arguing, the lies, the.."

"Relationship?" I asked him. He sighed and slightly shrugged towards me. I grabbed my cardigan that laid on the floor and put it on. "I'm glad I came here because I..." I slowly put my arm through and crossed my arms. "I haven't felt something like this in a very long time an-"

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