She's here

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"Trista!!" Delaney yelled.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Trista yelled still sleepy.

"Cheyenne is here come on Katina is already in the car."

"Cheyenne meaning 4'11 Cheyenne?" Trista said.

"Yes so go get dress. I'll wait in the car." Delaney said.

After getting dressed Trista climbed in the car with Delaney and Katina.

"Let's go pick up Cheyenne!!" The girls cheered.

Cheyenne was like the maknae of the group.

Delaney put the petal to the metal as she zoomed down the busy roads of Seoul.

"We are here!" They shouted as they arrived to the airport.

"What do we do know?" Katina asked.

"We wait." Delaney said.

It seem like hours until a short girl with long blonde hair with a mask walked to the car.

"Open the mother fucking door." Cheyenne said.

"Still a bitch got it." Trista said.

"Don't judge cause I'm famous bitch." Cheyenne said literally ripping off her mask.

"Ok so what's first on the agenda?" Katina said going off topic.

"Get me da fuck hom." Cheyenne said.

"Well someone's on her period. The blood, sweat, and tears." Delaney said getting the car out off park.

"Hashtag BTS reference." Trista said seating back in her seat.

"Shut the fuck up." Cheyenne said.

"Fire." Katina said.

"Y'all bitches still the same." Cheyenne said putting on sunglasses.

"Yah just because you came back from USA, ya don't gotta be a bitch and I'm driving you." Delaney said.

"That's all you did." Cheyenne smirked.

"Just focus on the wheel." Trista said noticing that Delaney got mad.

Delaney then put the petal to the metal scaring Cheyenne while Katina and Trista were laughing in the back.

Sadly, Cheyenne got to her hotel safely.

The first thing she did after putting her clothes in the drawer was grab her phone and call someone.

"Hey babe. I'm in the hotel."

"Ok I hope you have a goodnight sleep."


"Ok goodnight Cheyenne."




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