Unwanted quarrel

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~The female garbed in the red armor unsheathed her blade as I sign of wanting battle with rock.

Rock was well aware of the intention of a battle. Yet. Rock was wandering the cold. Darkness alone. She was slightly tired from fighting

However. She knew that wont be accepted here as her eyes lit with a bright blue light. Getting ready to fight with this Girl

Both Rock and this girl started charging at each other where their fight took place.

Slash after slash. Dodge after dodge. They were both getting exhausted as they were both expecting the other to do their last move they have..

After their final clash with each other. They were both on opposite side of the area. Both panting. Slightly looking at each other.

The girl smiled. Knowing rock was able to defend herself. Yet..

This dark world they were wandering in wasn't getting any brighter and it was filled with endless fights like those two just engaged in. It seemed so long that the both saw anything other then this world that they are In currently.

The girl unsheathed her blade and slightly stood up and so did rock.

They were both worn out from their fight but they kept their glare at each other..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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