[HighSchool AU] Wall falling down

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Haaaah... A classic tale with a twist always the winner..

Or not?

F/N Y/N, a girl/boy.

A quiet one.

Not shy, just simply quiet.

Mitsuki, a boy [or snake] with no family name.

He is a popular, handsome, charming

And able to get some people..


Well, that's just the fans, my lad.

Y/N walked into the school with a familiar sound chimes in the school.



Let's add "You make me, wet!".

Starting off with a bad mood, Y/N with her/his face looks like a frog, she/he opened her/his locker and grabbed her/his books and head off to the sound.

Let's just say, you have all of your classes same with the boy.

How unlucky you.

Y/N sat in class and opened a sketchbook since Y/N was the 'ONLY NOT RUDE GUD ARTIST', a lot of the obsessed fans of someone 'REQUEST' some arts of the man.

You can say it's a sketchbook of goodness of Mitsuki.

You boredly draw the man as three figures got in, slammed the door shut, locked the door.

"Mitsuki, your fans are obsessed with you, dattebasa!!"

Y/N quickly shut the sketchbook and stumble to put the sketchbook inside her/his backpack.

Life has it all, the sketchbook fall slowly and motionly.

Y/N's hand about to get the book but a Yamanaka's hand got to it first.

'Frick you life! Now, Inojin is going to tease me...!'

"Nice sketches, they got to you, huh?" Inojin gave back the book.

"What 'they got to you?'," Boruto suspiciously as Mitsuki snatched the book from Y/N.

"H-Hey!" Y/N and Inojin in sync.

Mitsuki began to look at the book as
Y/N stood up and trying to reach the book from her/his distance.

Boruto butt in as well.

"You have been drawing me so handsomely? You have a crush on me, huh.." Mitsuki chuckled.

"Idiot, it's the obsessed fans who threatened me, you dumb foe," Y/N in the tone.

"Ouch, that must hurt," Boruto hold his chest as he looked broken inside.

"You're not like the fans," Mitsuki said in a clìché tone of expection of handsome.
"Your a fool, an intelligent, talented, adorable one that I love,"


"Smooth, man, smooth..."

"Step 58, make your original pickup line, it will make the person more closer to you,"
[58 + 11 = ???]

Boruto closing his eyes as his fingers said OK with Inojin reading his father's book in the background, being the wheelers in this story.

"If I could, I would slap you, 'Mitsuki~kun'," Y/N remarks sarcastically at the last part.

"Why can't you slap me? I'm a human, after all,"

"Nice getting that mood set up, mhhn!" Boruto clapped in the air, not making a sound.

"Well, if I slap you, fans will 'TEASE' me and I'll be suspended and a lot more," Y/N honestly.

[Im sorry if the dialogue offense you!]

"Well," Y/N was dragged closer to Mitsuki but the desk distanced them both.

Good job, desk.

"Like in clìché movies, I'll be your savior, hero and I..."

"How come does the math teacher doesn't barge in like this moment?" Boruto whispers to Inojin in the background.


"I don't know, coincedence? plot? Or me interrupted the confession?" Inojin smiled as he ended the first part.

563 words

I dont usually celebrate for anything but...

Thank you for being the readers that reads my first story published online.

Thank you for reading: [HighSchool AU] Wall falling down

20 April 2018


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