[Short Story] New Year's..

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I sat patiently on the couch, watching some conserts roll in. Mitsuki wasn't home yet. I hugged my smelly pillow and dropped to my side.
[Please note Mitsuki was the one who pointed it out it was smelly]

'Is he stuck in traffic?'

I clenched a part of the pillow as a another thought came as colourful as rainbow. Okay, no joke, I thought him cheating on me. I brushed off the thought.

'What if he is involved in an accident?!'

I straightened my body with my ridiculous thought as I watched the countdown for year ____. I must be insane to think he was in an accident.
Okay, he might..


I stared at the countdown. I tried to get Mitsuki out if my head. I thought to say goodbye to year ____.


A click at the door made me jump. I climbed to the back of the couch. I waited for the person to enter.




I popped my head out from behind the couch. I ran to my husband who was tired from work as I saw him. He was carrying some plastics.



"Happy New Year!"

And everything happened according to your imagination.

Completed: December 31, 2018 at 11:27 P.M.

And Back to School.. NUUUUUUU!!
January 2, 2019

May peace be upon you!

[Reader Inserts] Mitsuki X [Y/N] OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now