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Hello wattpadders, this is my first shot at writting and i know that theres gonna be a few mistakes, so if you guys see anything or what to give me some input please do so. also if anyone whould like to create a cover for me that whould be apprciated, Ill dedicate the next chapter to you if i dont post before then. This chapter is dedicated to my lil sister , who is trying her hardest to help me write such a good book i dont know what i whould do if i didnt have her.

thanks bunchs,



It's officially my junior year of high school an im part of the in crowd, I make straight A's, Im captain of the vollyball squad, class vice president, I'm good looking to, I have wonderful green eyes and the perfect body. I love to dance, It's the only thing that makes me feel like my true self while at the same time i can feel like i'm someone else. When i got up this morning i felt like things where about to change.

Slamming the off button on my annoying alarm clock, I crawled outta bed and went into my bathroom to start my morning routin. A nice hot shower, straightening my blonde hair and some make up later i was finally ready to get outta my bath rob and into my clothing. I went into my room, grabbed my favorite baby blue convers, some white shorts and a off the sholder blouse to match my shoes. I was rocking this outfit. It helpped that i have the perfect body. Long, tan legs, perfect hips and well id hate to say it but i have a nice chest too go with.

Running down the stairs, i smelled bacon and eggs so i rushed to the kitchen just in time to hear mom say breakfest was done, before i could even make a move my brother derek, who's a year older, Bumped into me and said "get a move on jamie, we have to get tara before we can even show up at school".

"yeah i know derek, It's the same routin every day" i stated thinking about how rude he was for bumping into me.

Tara is dereks girlfriend of 2 years an they make a good couple but i just dont like her. She thinks shes ot stuff. I think shes a slut but thats just me.

Derek shovels his food in his mouth like he hasnt ate in months making my stomach queszy. "Derek, slow down before you make yourself sick" my mom said joining us at the table. My mom is a wonderful women who i can talk to about anything, but here latly she has been preoccupied because my dad is on leave with his job an its been about a year, but hey hes enjoying the french life as we speak.

"Move it or loose it sis, I'm ready to go get tara" Derek yelled from the front door leaving me stunned because i have yet to really touch my breakfest.

Getting into Derek's jeep, i knew i needed to sit in the back because tara whould trow a fit if she had to sit back there. After a short ride to tara's, Derek honked his horn an out came the devil herself in a tight fitting Purple dress with a low cut front showing off a lil too much cleavage an black stilettos with her knock off prada purse.

"Damnn Tart, you look smoking hott" my ignorent brother says

Once tara was in the Jeep, Derek slammed his foot on the gas an we arrived at Martin Vally high in no time. Pulling into the parking lot, Derek knew right away where to go. His friends always saved him a stall closest to them. Derek and his friends played football and where starters this year so they thought they was hot stuff. Getting outta Derek's jeep i lost balance and was caught by Jett, My brothers best friend.

"thanks Jett That wouldn't have been pretty" i said blushing while trying to straighten myself out.

"No problem Jamie, That's what i'm here for" Jett replied smiling down at me, i knew my brothers friends all to well and Jett was the big man on campus, He was quarterback, made good grades, But most of all he was hottttt! Jett was built like a football player, rock hard chest, nice biceps and on top of it all he was tall, tan, had blonde hair and blue eyes, but most of all he had lips that looked like they where as soft as butter.

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