✮ introduction

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They will never get us alive. Nor dead. Just because we're different doesn't mean they can kill us. It's twenty eighteen, damn it.
We will fight.


There is much more to the world than meets the eye.

We are all so focused on our own lives and problems, yet if we looked up for more than two minutes and observed our surroundings, we would be mesmerized by the little details and secrets everyone is hiding. We all have secrets, some more interesting than others. One of the most well-kept secret of all times is magic.

Witches, elves, mermaids, fairies...They exist. They live among us, keeping a mask of lies to hide their real identity. Why must they live in fear? Why do we get the opportunity to live freely, while they have to hide so they won't be killed?

The government wants us to believe they are harmful, that they are threatening our lives, but those are lies. They are the real predators. They want to get rid of those who are not like us. They hate diversity. They scare us to have us wrapped around their finger. They are the real villains.

And we won't stand for it.


Hello everyone!

This is a bit of a weird apply fic, but all of this will be explained in the next chapter. It's my first time trying something so amibitious but I sure hope it works out! Thank you guys for reading this, I hope you will participate <3

special tags!

artechan JISUNNG hyoonjeans wowjins HYUNJJINED feleaks


Sorry if you are not interested!

(I wish I could say this is random tagging but,,, I actually tagged people I admire from afar lmao. Soooo if you're tagged...hello...i love you)


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