No more Rejects... Maybe indefinitely

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What's up everyone, MikeBearTheGamer13 here... and I'm gonna stop making Rejects for the foreseeable future. Not because I don't want to or don't have any ideas for the future (trust me, I have lot's of ideas), but something happend between 2 of the main characters irl and I don't want to go into more details and if I continue writing, the person who actually reads this series will start to feel the pain of what happend. So for her sake, I'm going to stop writing this series. Does that mean I'm going to stop writing all together? Hell no. It just means I get to write other stuff then this. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want me to quit because of their problems but I would feel really weird writing this and they not together. So here's what I'll mostly be writing. Avengers, Teen Titans, RWBY KAOS Volume 2, Sonic, TMNT Volume 1, and maybe my Digimon story. Sorry for having to stop making this series, the thing that got me to 31 followers, thank you all btw, but I'm done with Rejects. I don't want to be done, I have so much to tell but this seems to be the end... for now. Maybe in the future I can write this series and finish it with a great ending. Hell, maybe I'll change my mind down the road. Oh, also check out a book called Mind made by me, it's in my wattpad and It'll most likely be the next Rejects... or not. Idk, but I'm gonna keep on writing and give you idiots who follow me some stories you'll hopefully love or hate. Idc. So goodbye to the Rejects, who are some great heroes that have hopefully given you some hope through out your life. Goodbye Rejects, and I'll never forget you.

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