Father Isaiah

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Isaiah: Our first win!
Jayden: One step closer to saving Jess.
Mike: We should head home. You need to rest Jayden.
Jayden: Not until Jess returns.
Mike: Think about Casey. He needs his dad right now.
Jayden: Why are you always right about these things?
Mike: Cause I think about the bigger picture. And think about our actions.
Jayden: I know, I know.
Isaiah's phone rangs and he picks it up.
Isaiah: Yeah?
???: Hey babe.
Isaiah: Becky?! Where have you been?!
Becky: Look, I need you to meet me in the alley way in our old apartment. I need your help in a sense.
Isaiah: Ok, I'll see you then.
Isaiah ends his call. He enters the RejectVan and drives off.
Crystal: HEY!!
Herc: What's wrong with him?
Mike: I don't know.

(In an alley way)

A girl with long curly brown hair with brown eyes wearing a black hoodie, white tanktop, black jeans, and white shoes. A black and blue van drives into the alley way and turns off the headlights. Isaiah steps out, still in his costume, and sees his girlfriend. He walks towards Becky.
Becky: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-
Isaiah hugs her, which shocked her.
Isaiah: I missed you.
Becky: Aren't you mad?
Isaiah: I was afraid. I worried so much.
Becky: Well... I'm sorry.
Isaiah: It's ok. You're back and that's what matters.
Becky: I left for a reason. I was pregnant Isaiah.
Isaiah let's go and looks at her.
Isaiah: I have a child?
Becky: A daughter. Named-
Isaiah: Carly.
Becky: Yeah. How'd you know?
Isaiah: Met a future version of a version of my daughter. Though she was adopted.
Becky: Oh.
Isaiah: You don't seem surprised by the fact that I'm a superhero.
Becky: I saw Elasto on T.V. I knew it was you.
Isaiah: So why do you need me?
Becky: I know what's happening. And I thought you would want to protect your daughter.
Isaiah: She's here?
Becky: Carly! Come meet daddy!
A little mixed girl with long black hair with brown eyes peeks out from a trashcan. Isaiah kneels in front of the little girl.
Isaiah: Hey there, Carly right?
Carly: You're my dad?
Isaiah: Yeah.
Carly: So you can put me on your shoulders?
Isaiah: Yeah, I can do that if you want.
Carly nods. Isaiah lifts up Carly and puts her on his shoulders. She starts smiling and Isaiah smiles. Becky sheds a tear but wipes it away quickly.
Becky: Can you take us to your base?
Isaiah: You mean my home? Yeah, of course.
Becky: Thank you.
Isaiah hugs Becky and she hugs back.
Isaiah: You're the woman I love, I'll do anything to protect you and my daughter.
Becky: I know. I know.

The Rejects Volume 9: Checkmate (Canceled)Where stories live. Discover now