Part 6: She sees him again and is Pissed the Hell Off

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Part 6: She sees Him again and is Pissed the Hell Off

I was pregnant. The doctor confirmed it at my appointment yesterday. I was worried about Princeton and his abuse when I got the news, but luckily my brother, Tyson, was back in town and was staying with us. Princeton wouldn’t dare try and touch me while Tyson was around because he knows that he would get his butt handed to him. Tyson was six feet and four inches of pure muscle and he had the temper to go along with it. He was extremely protective of me, and he was the sweetest guy alive and would get me anything I asked for. I would have told him about Princeton by now, but my Father warned me against it. Plus, Princeton is Tyson’s best friend so I don’t even know if he would believe me if I did tell him.

                Anyway, tonight was my engagement party and I was getting ready. Nancy helped me find a dress and she was doing my hair and makeup. My mother was in the room sitting awkwardly; it looked like she didn’t know what to say. When Nancy was finally finished I stood up and looked in the mirror.

“You look beautiful, darling,” my mother said. I ignored her. I was too busy looking in the mirror at my reflection.

                The girl that stood before me was stunning, but her eyes spoke volumes. They said she was depressed, miserable and heartbroken. They said exactly what she felt. The only time she hadn’t felt that way was when she was with him. She felt alive for the first time. He gave her a feeling she had never felt before; a feeling of freedom. He was her freedom; her escape. And when he left, she had felt trapped once again; in this prison she calls her life.

She hears a knock on the door which pulls her attention away from the mirror.

“It’s time to go down, Julienetta,” her brother’s deep voice says through the door. She sighed. Time to get this over with.

                She hooked arms with Tyson and walked down the steps to the party. He walked me over to Princeton who was dressed up and flirting with my cousin. Tyson noticed and glared at him and Princeton quickly shooed her away and turned to us with a fake smile on his face and fear in his eyes.

“Here is your fiancé Princeton,” Tyson said, putting emphasis on the fiancé while handing me over to him. Princeton took my arm, squeezing a little too tightly.

“Thanks man, I have been looking for her all night,” he said. Tyson just looks at him and then walks away, but not before kissing me on the cheek. I smiled at him. After Tyson walked away, Princeton yanked me over to a table.

“Sit here and do not speak to or dance with any males. I will be back,” he walked away. A waiter came over to me and asked me,

“Would you like some wine?” I turned to tell him no thank you, but when I looked up I saw someone that I thought I would never see again.

“Hello bella, did you miss me?”

It was Blake.

                I looked around, making sure no one was watching before I pulled him out into the garden. We stopped and sat on a bench. I looked at him. Was this real? Is he really here? Or is my mind playing tricks on me? I looked at the man who has been haunting my dreams; the man who ran after impregnating me with his child, and I suddenly got very angry. I was pissed.

“Bella? Why are you looking at me like that? What’s wrong?” He asked. I reached up and slapped him. Hard. His head whipped to the side and there was a red mark in the shape of a handprint on his face. He looked back at me and started to say something, but before he could articulate the words, I grabbed his face and kissed him. Then, I pushed him away from me and slapped him again. I know he probably thought I was crazy but, oh well; blame it on the mood swings.

“How could you just leave me like that, Blake?!” I yelled at him, tears forming in my eyes. He cupped my face between his hands.

“Juliet, I did what I thought was best for us. My life is not the kind of life that I want for you. I could be killed at any moment. You could be killed at any moment. I couldn’t live with myself if something ever happened to you. But, this last month has been torture without you. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. The only source of comfort I gained was seeing you in my dreams. But, I don’t want to be noble anymore. I want you. I want to wake up to you every morning and lay asleep next to you at night. I want to marry you, and I want you pregnant with my children. I don’t want you to marry that guy in there. I don’t care if you love him; I need you. Run away with me, belle. We can go to an island where no one can find us, just the two of us. Please, belle, say yes. I need you to say yes,” He was on his knees, begging, with tears in his eyes. He had no idea how much I wanted this. How much I wanted to be with him. But, what if this supposed love we feel is nothing but lust. Would we end up hating each other? Could I take the risk of running away from all I knew to be with someone I just met?

“Yes, my Romeo, I will go away with you. But, instead of the two of us, it is going to have to be the three of us,” I guess now was as good a time as any to tell him. He looked at me confused.

“What do you mean? Who else is coming with us?” I laughed at how confused he was, and then I set my hand on my still flat stomach. His eyes widened and his face broke out into a giant grin. He picked me up and spun me around, and then he set me down and kissed me.

“I need to get back, someone might come looking for me,” I told him, disappointed at the prospect of having to leave him again. He looked sown at me, his eyes turning sad. He sighed.

“Si, belle. I will come for you tomorrow night. I will try and convince Reverend Green to let us stay at the church until arrangements of our departure can be made. Now go, belle, and dream only of me tonight.”

                I walked back into the party and started talking to Nancy. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Blake sneak in only to bump into Tyson. Uh oh. If there was one thing that I didn’t like about Tyson, it was that he was extremely racist; almost as bad as our father. He turned abruptly and, seeing Blake, his face twisted in anger.

“Watch where you're going, white boy,” He snarled, “Unless, of course, you're looking for a fight.”

“I didn’t come here to fight,” Blake told him, calmly.

“What, are you afraid of a little challenge? Or maybe you are just afraid to lose to a black man.”

“I could beat you easily in a fight, if I wanted to, but I do not wish to fight,” Blake said, still managing to stay calm.

                Tyson got angry at that statement, “If you're so sure you can fight me then prove it.” He then shoved Blake hard enough to make him fall. Something must have snapped at him, because in that moment, Blake lunged at him, and they fought.

                I stood by helplessly. I wouldn’t dare try to break them up; I wouldn’t want the baby getting hit accidentally. Everyone else was egging them on, not even making a move to pull them apart. At first, it seemed as though Tyson had the upper hand; he was bigger. But, Blake was faster, and more skilled, so he quickly gained the upper hand.

                 All of a sudden, Tyson pulls out a knife. Blake narrowly misses getting stabbed by the blade, and while he was blocking Tyson’s arm that was still trying to stab him, the knife somehow gets twisted up in their hands and stabs Tyson in the stomach. Someone screamed, and that sent everyone into a panic. Someone must have called the cops, because the sound of police sirens could be heard coming from the front of the house. I was paralyzed. I couldn’t even fully comprehend what was happening. The last thing I remember is looking into Blake’s eyes and telling him to run, before I passed out.

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