Chapter 4

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People said that the truth was always the best solution because one lie usually leads to another one which leads to another and so it continues until the truth would break everything apart.

I had never believed that a simple lie would cause problems but unluckily it seemed like I was going to make this experience soon. It had all started with the letter in had received yesterday.

Coach Lee had already told me that he was very satisfied with my swimming skills and that he would send me and some others a letter with new information soon and yesterday the day had come.

I had met up with Yixing, Hansol, Jaebum, Yuta, Dongmin and Hoseok who had received the same letter. All of us were invited to spend two weeks at the college and practice with their team.

Now we only had to talk about who was going to accept the offer and if there was anyone who wanted to reject it although I couldn't really imagine that someone would turn down this huge chance.

"I'm definitely going. I've heard they have some hot American exchange students there and I would love to meet them." Hansol said a wiggled his eyebrows. Some of the other boys laughed and rolled their eyes.

"They didn't invite us because they want you to disturb some poor guys." Jaebum answered in his calm but firm leader voice. Hansol only mumbled some words in English, knowing our captain didn't understand him.

The elder shot him a death glare but turned to the other guys after a moment. "So and what about you? Coach Lee wants to know who's going to come in two days." He explained and looked at us.

I sighed heavily and ran a hand through my hair. This offer was the possibility to get a fixed position in the college team but unluckily there was a little thing that stopped me from shouting "Yes" immediately.

Mark didn't know about it. I had only told him that I was applying for several colleges. And to my huge luck, I had gotten a positive response from my favorite college and that was why coach Lee had visited our school.

And now I wouldn't only go to my dream college, I also had the chance to be a part of their swim team. Actually I couldn't be happier but visiting this college would mean I'd have to move.

And although I didn't really believe that high school romances had a future, I still couldn't just pack my things and move to the other end of the country without asking Mark. We still had Lily.

I felt horrible when I thought about leaving the both of them and especially my child alone. Of course, accepting the invitation now didn't automatically mean that I would attend the college but it was complicated.

The majority of people would say that it was easy to make this decision but for me it was one of the hardest choices in my whole life. I had to choose between my child and my biggest dream.

I was pretty sure that it was the best idea to give it a try and participate the practice with the college team. It was only a thing of two weeks. The only question was, how should I tell Mark? Should I even tell him?

He wasn't the type to get angry easily but I know how much he hated secrets and lies and I was pretty sure he would be especially angry about this one because it involved the future of our daughter.

Normally it wouldn't be a big thing if I moved somewhere. We could always try a long-distance relationship or just break up but that wouldn't work with a child. I didn't like the thought of her growing up without me.

It would be weird to see her only a few times during the year and I was pretty sure that she would also miss me. Well, she was still young but I knew that she was already able to recognize me as her father.

I let out a long sigh and lightly shook my head. I didn't even know if I was able to attend the college and I wouldn't be able to find that out without accepting the coach's invitation.

If the training went well and the coach accepted me in their team, I would think about talking to Mark and telling him about my exact plans for the future. And then we would also think about Lily.

"I won't go with you guys. I don't plan on becoming a professional swimmer anyway so why should I take someone else's position?" Yixing said and shrugged his shoulders. I had to admit that I wasn't even surprised.

The elder was a passionate dancer and I was sure he was planning to study something artistic. And aside from that, I had heard that he was going out with a college guy. I guessed we would see it sooner or later.

Jaebum nodded lightly and wrote something on the sheet in front of him. He looked up to me and gave me a questioning look. "What about you, Jackson?" The black-haired male asked me.

I didn't hesitate to answer. "This is a huge chance for me, so I'm definitely going to give it a try." I answered and was lightly confused when my friend raised his eyebrows. What was wrong with my answer?

"And Mark is OK with that?" He asked in scepticism. "I haven't told him yet." I answered honestly. My friend sighed. "You really think it's ok to do this without asking him?" He looked at me.

I nodded. "We're only talking about two weeks. It's not sure if I will study there. And don't worry, I'm going to talk to him tonight." I said although I knew I didn't owe him an explanation.

Jaebum sighed in response and leaned back. "Ok, that's all for today. I'm going to send the list to coach Lee so if any of you changes his decision, you will have to talk to him." He explained.

Everyone nodded shortly to show him they understood. Our captain got up and put the sheet in his bag before he threw it over his shoulder and looked at us. "I see you all at practice tomorrow." He said and left.

I looked after him and got up from the bench as well. Luckily it looked like I still had enough time to go home and take a shower and maybe eat something before I had to be at Mark's apartment.

We had actually planned to go to the playground and get some ice-cream together with Lily but now we would have to see if Mark still wanted to spend the day with me when I had told him about my plans.

I had to admit that I kinda feared the talk with my boyfriend later. I wasn't even sure what kind of reaction I expected from him but I was worried that we would start fighting. Fights always made everything so awkward.

Of course, I knew that it would be completely my fault if our talk later would end bad and I really hoped that he wouldn't be too angry because I had kept a secret from him. And hopefully we wouldn't start fighting.


New chapter! I'm sorry for taking a bit longer and I really hope you can forgive me and like this chapter.

Thanks for all the comments to my spoilers in the previous chapter. There have even been some correct answers!

So what will happen? Will Jackson have the courage to talk to Mark? Will Mark be angry? Will they fight? Could a fight change Jackson's decision?

I'm also very happy to announce that the preview for my new story will be out either today or tomorrow! It depends on when I finally know how to name the story ^^

Thank you for reading & 6k reads and 600 votes 💙

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