PART I. Grieving the Spirit. 1.

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This book has been laying in my drawer for about a year now. I don't remember where it came from, but the school year has just started and I guess that I should keep a journal. I think that there will be many things I will want to talk about, but have no one to tell them to, so I'll just write them here. I've lived alone for some time now, my parents are diplomats who spend a lot of their time in government headquarters. There are places where they can't take me, so I have the house to myself: they don't trust nannies because they think that anyone besides me who might live in the house will definitely want to steal something. It's a rich neighborhood, but rich kids are often spoiled. I like only a few people my age here. One of whom is Jane Arkensaw, she's been my best friend since my parents left. She thinks they work for the CIA, and finds that amusing. I couldn't care less who they work for, they're rich and happy, and I should be too.

Anyway, I'll tell about how my first day of eighth grade. It wasn't as hectic as I expected, so that's good. My teachers aren't bad. The worst one is the math teacher, as I've heard, but good grades are important. I'm working towards an all A diploma, my parents said that they'd get me into a good law school if I graduate well. But the academics aside, I'm kind of wary about the people in my classes. Jane is in half of my classes including homeroom. Ludovica Faust, another good friend of mine is two of my classes, but she's in a different homeroom. Ludo is incredibly beautiful and smart, she an exchange student from Germany, she's also a goth. She tells me I'm mature for my age - I'm almost fourteen. She's fifteen, a year older. I don't understand why she hangs out with us, she has the potential to be an honorary member of the popular clique. Since I've began about those fuckers, my Spanish class is a living hell for me this year, and that's because my ex-boyfriend, Randy, and his girlfriend Nicole are in it, as well as a bunch of other popular kids. It's only good that my Spanish is nearly ideal: my family has Mexican roots. Being Hispanic and not speaking your own language seems absurd to me. I can only hope that I don't die. Oh, and if you're wondering how in the hell I can have a boyfriend at thirteen, it's really simple. I've had a crush on Randy for a long while, and his mom was good friends with my parents, so we obviously spent a lot of time with each other. He asked me out in April, it was my first relationship. We were really close until his mom died in July. Randy took this as a really big hit, and it was no wonder because I know that his dad is an alcoholic, and that worsened so badly after mom's death. Randy started smoking and stole his dad's booze. I tried to help him but he only shut me out, I couldn't do anything. On the first of August, he told me that I didn't understand him, that I was a goody two shoes, and that Nicole was his girlfriend now. Nicole Danmoore can only be described as an egotistical, self-centered bitch, and a stereotypical popular girl. She hates me, and believe me, the feeling is mutual.

I've made myself angry again, it's frustrating. Really, the only reason I haven't asked my parents to switch schools is because of my friends. Speaking of which, Jane wanted to stay overnight today. We're going to watch some horror movies and eat ramen noodles, since I went to the store yesterday. It's honesty a miracle that there's a Publix only a block away.

I'm going to go call Jane now, I'll make sure to write more later.


Today was a weird day. It was both good and bad. Jane came over yesterday and we watched The Winter Soldier, she loves superhero movies. We also listened to Hollywood Undead and talked about life. We're both known as scene girls, but lately she's been acting and dressing like a geek or a hipster, and I'm just kind of scared that she'll outgrow me. I know I can confide in Ludo about this and she won't tell Jane, not that I want to hurt my best friend, but I don't want to be hurt either. Ludo is like the calm, wise, peaceful person in our group. I want to get closer with her, but she intimidates me a bit. She just seems too cool to hang out with me, but then again, she said she doesn't want to hang out with anyone else in the school, either.

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