03. 17. 18

4 1 0

allow me to tie this knot.
allow me to rope you in
to your future.
there are more than two of you.
theres more than the jokes, and the hiding.

allow me to rope you in
to your future.
spending time with people like you.
yes, the two of you are here, too.
and yes, your hair is short.
and your shirt is rainbow
(like you laugh at now)

allow me to rope you
into the shore
because drowning is no fun.
we have lemonade
and oxygen
and even those in the shade
are more alive than you
(because theyre not drowning)

allow me to tie this knot.
allow me to rope you in
to your future.
filled with words, and air, and people like you.

Because theres more to life than drowning.

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