This isn't a fairy tale. (Prologue)

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Once upon a time in a far, far away kingdom...

Wait, forget it. I'm not here to tell a story to children. In fact, this story isn't for children. So no, I'm not going to go 'Once upon a time in a far, far away kingdom, lived a beautiful princess...'

No, I hate stories that start that way.

It brings out the inner innocence in me, and I hate the feeling. Secondly, I'm not here to tell you about a princess because I can assure you, I'm definitely not a princess. I'm nowhere near pretty, nice, sweet, and I'm definitely not looking for my 'prince'.

I'm here to tell you about myself.

In my observation, the people we don't notice are usually the most interesting ones- once you get to know them. They, like spies and illegal drug dealers, appreciate invisibility. 

How do I know this? Because I feel like one of those people sometimes.

I'm not attractive, so people definitely don't notice me. I'm not nice, but I don't go off showing the world how 'I'm not nice' either, because the ones who usually do that are the delicate ones who are actually too nice, but don't want to be. Either that, or they're a bunch of attention whores who think that by being mean they'd get people's attention.

Anyway, enough of that. I hate to sound like a brag (nah, not really. I really couldn't care less about what you think about me.) But I think I'm quite an interesting person, which is why I ranted about... What I ranted earlier. (I hope you're following my story just fine. If you're not, then let me tell you this: this is only the beginning. Things are going to get way more confusing.)

Now you're probably wondering why I started my story with 'Once upon a time in a far, far away kingdom...'

It's because I did live in a kingdom. And yes, it's probably far away from where you live (I know where you live, if you do anything that pisses me off, then let me tell you, that'll be the last thing you'll ever do.)

Well, now I just made myself seem like an asshole. Call me that as many times as you want, because I couldn't agree more. I try really, really hard not to be an asshole, but it isn't my fault the people nowadays are so stupid.

The people back in my days were so nice and friendly. Being in an environment like that just makes you feel...happy. It makes you feel nice and friendly as well. As much of an asshole I am, I don't cause trouble without a good reason. In conclusion, I try to be nice to those who are nice to me. 

The whereabouts of my kingdom will remain secret to you all, because it's already gone. If I tell you where our exact positions were, you're going to start asking questions, or even start doing research. Then you won't find anything at all from the researches and you'll call me a liar. Don't go on telling me you're not going to do so, because I told a few people about it and I nearly got sent off to an asylum. Don't worry, they're still alive in their new home, Hell.

Well, without further a due, I'm going to tell you about my old kingdom because the story's definitely worth sharing, and my background so you won't judge me. Or you could continue judging me, I'm sure you don't have better things to do than that. I- I'm just in a mood to story tell, okay? You really don't want to put me in a bad mood. If you've decided that you don't care, then please, stop reading, I'm not going to stop you. 

Wait, why am I still ranting? Never mind. Seriously, just start flipping the damn pages already!

A/N: XD YES, I KNOW IT'S SHORT. IT'S JUST THE INTRO XD so if you're confused, KEEP READING XD anyway, I hope you like it so far. I don't usually write stories like this, but I kinda felt like it. I'll probably delete it or something. I'll update very, very soon :) I'll see you all in the next chapter.x

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