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As I dashed through what looked like a small, waiting room, I saw my mother with a box of tissues on her lap. 

        I paused for awhile, putting my hands on the glass panel. 

        I wish I could rush to her side and told her I was fine, but then I remembered I had an escape plan to run. 

        Through a last minute decision, I decided to bring Axel's files with me as well. It would be nice if I had my bow with me. Then I could act like a badass and point an arrow at a doctor's throat so they'd comply to my questions. I find the fact funny that people wait till they're on the verge of losing it to start acting, otherwise they'd just procrastinate and wait till something big pushes them. 

        There were maybe ten men in blue outfits as well. They had badges pinned to their uniform, so they were probably policemen or security guards. 

        Surprisingly, I managed to slip past every one of them, until I pushed the hospital doors open and stopped when I felt like I was already miles from the hospital.

        It struck me that this part of the kingdom was foreign. I'd been to the hospital a few times when I was younger, but for some reason my immune system got so strong over the years, that it had been 10 years or more since I payed the hospital a visit. 

        The place definitely changed. It was old and smaller back then. What made me realize it was a hospital when I was back in the room was a few of the nurses' faces, and the sterile objects. You know it isn't a hospital when it isn't sterile. And was it just me, or do hospitals come with this... sterile smell? Hard to describe, but by catching a small whiff of it, I knew I was inside a hospital. 

        The part I was venturing didn't seem as homy or green, compared to the parts I'd usually pass by. The training field, my neighborhood... The kingdom was a lot bigger than I thought. 

        I made a small turn and entered a library. People shot looks at me, because who'd expect to see a red head wandering the streets with a hospital gown? I had to hurry and move to a different location before someone could call the hospital. 

        The library was huge. I quickly walked past the librarian with my head down and went to the back of the building. 

        A huge map was displayed, and after further inspection, I learned that it was a map of my kingdom. I asked the librarian if I could borrow a smaller version of it, and she lead me to a shelf where there were ripped, brown paged replicas of the giant map. 

        I thanked her and sat at a secluded part of the library. 

        "Lovejoy's Memorial Hospital..." 

        I traced my finger from the hospital, trying to look for my neighborhood, Pine Sector A.

        But I was lost. Despite how small the map was, there were so many parts of the kingdom I didn't know of, which made me realize I knew almost nothing about it. 

        For Heaven's sake, I didn't even know the name of the kingdom. I never went to the meetings, or never had I been cordially invited to any prestigious events which included meeting the royal family. I'd only seen the castle from afar. It honestly didn't appeal my eyes, so I never went to take a closer look at it. 

        I heard before you go to battle, you and the rest of the army would have dinner with the king. The dining hall must be more than huge if it could store that many people inside. 

        I was suddenly so intrigued by the grounds I lived in. I went to the counter to check the map out, but the librarian said they had plenty, and that I could take it home with me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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